Chapter 1: Weddings and Gotham

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Okay, first, I only own anyone except Reagan, Trinity, Ellie, and a few other characters you'll see in the future. Second, you know which of the characters I don't own, they belong to DC and stuff. Cool. :P.

Reagan sighed, getting out of her car. She really didn't want to be here, she didn't even dress up. The wedding of her sister and her ex. Why would she even invite me here, knowing that it'll make me remember the past. Thanks Ellie. Reagan thought. She slowly walked and sat in one of the seats in the back. She could see her sister talking with one of the bridesmaids. Reagan pressed her lips together, waiting for her sister to notice her. The cold is making this unbearable. Who even has a wedding in December anyway? Apparently Ellie.

"Oh!" She yelled and ran as fast as she could in her heels. Ellie embraced Reagan with a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever. I'm so glad that you came." She said smiling. Reagan nodded slightly, pushing away from Ellie.

"Yes, we need to talk though," Reagan said through pursed lips. "It's very important." Ellie had the look of worry on her face. Whenever Reagan said that, she knew it was bad. As soon as they were far enough that the crowd wouldn't see them, She had pulled a knife out of her boot and laid it on Ellie's neck. Her blue eyes looked like saucers.

"I-I..what are you doing?" Ellie made sure that she didn't yell loud enough for the others to hear. Reagan smiled and tucked a blond piece of hair behind Ellie's ear.

"I need you to forget about me," She started, pulling back the knife a bit. "No contacts, no anything. I'm moving, and you will finally get the life you want." Reagan had always been jealous of Ellie, she was first born. Their Mother loved her more than Reagan

"But where are you moving to?" She gulped as she asked. Reagan didn't want to tell her at first, but there was no way she could find her, Ellie was too stupid, she couldn't even read a map.

"Gotham, to live with Trinity." She had no idea who Trinity was either, which made it even better. Tomorrow was the day, take clothes, and only the essentials, and then poof. Be gone. She looked at Reagan with suspicion in her eyes.

"But, why would you move there?" She asked, only to receive a cut on her arm, her perfect skin. She flinched a bit. Reagan clenched her teeth tightly. It looked like she was going crazy, but this was her only chance to talk to her sister for the last time. She smiled and put the knife back into her boot.

"Bye," Reagan sighed and walked back to her car. "Be sure to cover that okay?" She nodded and stumbled back a bit, covering her arm. Ellie was now moving back to the crowd and didn't dare to look back at her.


Reagan got home and looked at the full suitcases. She sighed, At least Gotham isn't that far away, I could get there in an hour or so. She was excited, always being secluded from towns made her feel lonely. Reagan had picked up a bag, but quickly threw it to the ground when something was thrown at her.

"Stop it!" She yelled at the invisible creature. She turned to where the thing was thrown. She frowned and picked it up. A pen. She bit the inside of her cheek as she heard something else fall. It sounded like the vase in the other room. Then she realized she had forgotten to take her pills this morning.

Reagan threw the pen down and unzipped her suitcase. She shuffled around for a while before finding her bottle of pills. She looked down at the label. Anti-psychotics... They don't even work. The doctor would obviously know if she hasn't. Reagan sighed and took a pill out, then tossing the bottle back into the suitcase.

For some reason, she knew Auden wasn't real, it was her mind messing with her. There was nothing that she could do to stop it. She was scared, but when the doctor told her that her that she had been diagnosed with Schizophrenia, she stopped. They were all illusions of the mind. After that, Sarah, the mom let her go. Sent to Saint Jane's orphanage.

Reagan went to look for anything that she forgot, still being wary about Auden and flying projectiles. As she walked by, she noticed herself in the reflection out of the corner of her eye. Her light brown hair looked messy yet again.

Reagan had checked everything, not wanting to pack anything else. She shrugged.

"Avery should be calling soon..." Reagan tilted her head to one side, deciding to call him herself. He was supposed to meet Trinity and herself. She took her phone out of her pocket and sighed, dialing the number.

He picked up right away, "Hey."

"Hey, uh, are you still going to meet us tonight?" She questioned.

"Oh, yeah. I'm almost at Trinity's house." That surprised her, usually he was always late.

"Alright, I'm just now leaving the house, I'll be there in hour or so?" Avery agreed and hung up. Reagan quickly shoved the phone into her pocket and went to get her suitcases. She ran out to the car and put the cases into the back seat and hopped into the front.


Reagan had drove about 30 minutes until she needed to stop for gas, hopefully, Auden wouldn't show up again. Even though he was just a figment. She put the card into the slot and swiped. It calculated her priced and she paid. She grabbed the pump and waited.

She was finally done and left quickly. The drive wasn't bad, but her nervousness was. It took her a little longer to get there. But she saw the sign.

Gotham: One mile.

She could see the big city up ahead. She was excited. Reagan drove a little faster knowing that she would be a little late and her friends would be kept waiting.

Sucks I know. Cookies.

Psycho (Jonathan/Scarecrow)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ