Chapter 5: Toxin

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Reagan soon got over her fear of what lie behind the door. Well, not completely, she could hear her heart beat quickening. She quietly stepped over to the door, opening it slightly. She was rather confused. It was a bigger basement than she thought. If any of the guards were here, they'd probably stop her from going in.

Pressing her lips together, she went down the stairs. Two flights before she ran into another door. "How could he have made it down so fast?" She muttered to herself as she opened the door. In the distance she could see Jonathan hunched over a table. She couldn't see what he was doing but she could tell her was messing with something.

Reagan walked in. She looked at the place, it was very dirty, dust was flying trough the air. She glanced around before making her way to Jonathan. She placed a hand on his shoulder and her turned around. He was quiet for a moment, before turning around again and began tinkering with something.

"Why are you down here?" He mumbled, picking up a syringe and filling it up with more clear liquid.

Reagan looked passed him to see at least ten more. "Well, you never said I couldn't come down." He didn't say anything for a while, but continued to do his work. It was apparent to her that it was his toxin.

"So, what are you going to do with that?"

"You'll see." He placed them carefully in his briefcase and closed it.

You're not going to tell her? Scarecrow asked him. Why? Jonathan chose to ignore that side of himself. He took off his glasses and held the bridge of his nose, trying to get him to leave. Oh come on, Johnny. Why not try and inject it in her again?

Jonathan smirked to himself. "If you think I'm going to do that you're crazy." Reagan looked over, was he talking to her? She furrowed her brows, not understanding.

Aw... why not? He taunted. Jonathan was grinding his teeth from all the questions. He turned around to Reagan, ignoring the crow once again. She looked at him like he was crazy, even though she had no room to think that at all. He held up his hand so she did 't try and ask. Looking at his eyes again, she realized they were a darker shade. She couldn't understand him at all.

"What's wrong, Reagan?" His voice sounded raspy, as if it wasn't him anymore. She squinted, it sounded like the dream she had.

"If this is supposed to be a joke, it's not funny." He walked forward, half expecting her to walk backwards. "Jonathan?" She asked getting slightly wary of the situation.

"No," He grabbed her and she writhed underneath him. He pulled her upstairs, through the room and outside. Two guards stood out, trying to seem as natural as they can. They followed him to the car.

Jonathan threw her in the passenger seat. He stepped into the other side and started the car. "What are we-"

She was interrupted by the car suddenly moving and she was thrown forward, almost hitting her head on the windshield. She rushed to get her seatbelt on. "Jonathan!" She screamed, and he ignored her. Reagan was confused and scared, again. Just when she thought they were warming up to each other no doubt.

He didn't talk. He just drove. They drove until they stopped at a hospital. "Is someone injured? What's going on, tell me now!" She screamed at him. Jonathan grabbed her arm once more and she shut her mouth immediately. He got on and she followed without word, yet again.

Right outside the doors, he opened his briefcase and pulled out a mask- no, two masks. One for her. "Put this on." He tossed it to her and she caught it.

"Put it on," He said, sounding irritated.

"Okay...?" Reagan did as she was told. They were both wearing the creepy looking masks, now. She knew someone was going to happen considering no one knew their identity anymore.

She felt something inside of it. She assumed it was for her mouth.

"You don't need to bother with that," Jonathan stated.


"The mouthpiece. You won't be talking." With that, he walked in. Reagan waited a moment before stepping into the hospital.

When she walked in, the smell of death, cleaning products, and medicine filled her nose. She always hated that smell, but she would have to bear it because Jonathan wanted her to do so.

The secretaries up front asked them what they were doing and Jonathan pulled spray out. His toxin. He sprayed both of them, and they had immediately started screaming, claiming there was a monster or some creatures about them.

A nurse ran over to them, but was stopped, as she started to scream with them. The toxin was still in the air and anyone- besides Jonathan or Reagan would get a full dose of it.

Anyone who tried to get in the way would get a spray in the face or hit. He walked into a storage room, whatever they called it, and pulled out random medications, basically anything he found interesting.

Someone came up from behind Reagan and she yelped, trying to throw him off.

"Get the hell off of me!" She screamed. To her surprise, the thing in the mask, in fact, warped her voice. Jonathan sprayed both of them, but it was only the man who started to yell.

Jonathan said nothing as he began to collect more medicine, and Reagan could hear sirens wailing in the distance. She began to get a little antsy. What if they were caught? Would Gordon sick Batman on them? Probably.

After he was done, he motioned for her to go, and she did.

"What are you collecting this stuff for? Toxin?"

"For my own amusement, really," He replied, "I guess you could say to attract attention."

"And you brought me along?" Reagan questioned, "Last time I got caught." She had a flashback. Her friends had left without her. In fact, all the time she was here, she had hardly thought of them at all.

"Yes, I know, I was there." He said, then turned a corner. She followed, and they were met with a back entrance. Jonathan opened the door, and they were met with nothing. Which, honestly, lowered her heart rate by one thousand. She assumed there were going to be police surrounding this place. He didn't say anything, as they walked between buildings.

Jonathan pulled something out of his pocket, something rather small. She didn't give it much attention, until he threw it. It had made a small boom, which attracted the police. She looked back. It was thick white dust.

The police came running to the site. They assumed it was a normal smoke bomb of sorts. As they got near it, some of them freaked out.

"Oh God." Reagan groaned.

"It's fine, come on." Jonathan walked a little faster. Reagan did also. There was a black car on the far end. So he was prepared...

As they got in the car, it had immediately sped off. Reagan took off her mask, and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"So what now?" She asked.

"You'll see," Jonathan said, taking his mask off as well.

They were definitely not going home.

AN: Tbh, I am not sure I want this to even be Batman Begins anymore, I kinda wanna add the Arkham Knight lmao.

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