Chapter Six

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I dried myself off quickly with a towel and left Rye's apartment in a hurry. There was one person I could probably count on... James.

The fear that I'd be spotted by the police was drilled into me.

I will never forgive my father...

The fresh wound on my back stung and my steps faltered. Breathing heavily, I leaned against the brick wall of a building, trying to put myself together again.

"You left the house again without permission! Trying to run away will get you know where, you hear me?!"

Fathers voice was rough and loud, by the smell of his breath I could tell he had been drinking.

"Dad I'm sorry!" My voice cracked and I couldn't hold back my sobs. The punishment hasn't even begun and I was already breaking down.

Wow. It had been a long time since a memory like that had consumed me. This three months of pure freedom had been bliss. Maybe my vacation time is up? Nobody would beable to save me if my father got a hold of me again. The image of Rye answering the door with wet hair threw me off guard.

He'll just destroy me...

It being Friday, the streets were lively with people. Laughter filled the freezing night air, and shouts of joy could be heard from miles around. I scampered quickly past lit up shops and bars, hoping to make it in time.

Rounding the corner, I collided head first into somebody, knocking us both off our feet. "Ouch!" he said irritatedly, rubbing his forehead. It was James, talk about perfect timing... He looked at me and blinked. "Jason!" he breathed, as though he couldnt believe his own eyes.
I stood and brushed myself off, then helped James off the ground. "I was looking for you. Ca-"

 He blinked a couple of times then his gaze darted over my shoulder. "Come with me." He cut me off and began to yank me down the side walk.


We ran for a bit then he shoved me into an alley.

I was about to yell at him for being a complete ass, when his hand clamped over my mouth and he put a finger to his lips. The street lights illuminated his face just enough that I could read his lips.

'You're being followed...' He mouthed.

My eyes widened in alarm, by who?

The police?

We hid ourselves within the darkness of the alley way, silently waiting, our eyes trained on the mouth of the alley.

A man stopped at the ally's opening and looked both ways. "Fuck! We lost him!" He yelled, holding his head as he paced. Another man appeared, looking more calm and collected. "He couldn't have gotten far, just keep looking..."

"Easy enough for you to say Gabe! If I don't find this fuckin kid..." he trailed off as if the next words were to painful to say.

"Joey, calm down, we'll never find him if you keep bitching...ugh, your giving me a headache," Gabe squeezed his temples and sighed.

"Oh the boss is going to be so mad!" Joey panicked, going back to pacing.

"If you don't shut up, I'm going kill you before he even gets a chance." Joey flinched at the cold words and stepped away a little. Gabe turned making him now visible in the street light.

"Why are they following you?" James whispered.

"I don't know..."

"Those guys are from The Black Talons. Do you know what they want?"


He paused for a moment then looked at me sharply as if something had dawned on him.

"Jason...You didnt..." he breathed, as if begging for it not to be true.


"Fuck! I knew you where walking funny yesterday!"

I blushed till I was purple.

"I told you not to mess with that guy, and now his stupid henchmen are following you!" he whispered, quite annoyed.

"Henchmen?" I hissed, confused and scared.

"He's a mafia boss you fucktard!

I paled....

One of the guys in the street ahead turned and my breath hitched. I had caught a glimpse of something that was all to familiar... On Gabe's right bicep was a tattoo of a bird.

Falling off balance from my crouch position, my back slammed into a dumpster, rattling it. "Damn it Jason!" He hissed.

"What was that?" Joey asked, straining his eyesight to see into the dark alley. "Lets check it out."

Rye's POV

Leaving Jason alone, naked on my bed was probably the hardest thing I had ever had to do, But work needed to be done...

I was looking over new information when my phone buzzed.

"He just left..." said a voice quietly. Dylan was a small mole type of guy. He never left his room and preferring to monitor life within his dark tavern. "Send Joey and Gabe to follow him, if anything happens, they have permission to use force..." I spoke slowly, pronouncing each and every word with a clipped tone.

You can't leave now, not when my fun has just barely started...

Dylan cleared his throat and I could hear him swallow,"Yes boss..."

I snapped my phone shut and looked at the clock. It was almost nine. The hands seemed to be moving faster then usual, letting time leave me at a quicker pace.

Thoughts of Jason screaming and moaning my name over and over again filled my mind. The look on his face just before he climaxes... Placing my elbows on my desk, I rested my chin on my knuckles.

Jason Peterson...

Dear reader,

I'm so excited for the next chapter!! Ugh I can hardly wait to publish it! Every comment, follow, and vote brings a huge smile to my face and makes me unbelievably happy! All the guesses about what happened in Jason's past were pretty close! *hugs everyone who participated*


Love, Nina xoxo

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