Chapter 24 | Stop sexting Cunningham

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I groan as I roll over in the silky sheets. Silky sheets... I'm back at the beach house, aren't I? I peek my eyes open but quickly pull the sheets over my head because of the bright sunlight. I swear this ends up happening every time I drink.

"Miles?" I mumble under the sheets, not sure if he's in the room or not.

"Mhm?" he says back from above the sheets with amusement, oh no.

"Please just spill it, tell me what I did last night," I demand. Suddenly, sunlight comes streaming into my eyes when he pulls the sheets off of me. I blink, waiting for the light to adjust, and when it does, I see a gorgeous boy leaning over me with bed head and a cheeky grin.

"Morning, beautiful," he says as if we hadn't been talking before. I try not to smile, but I just can't help it.

"Morning," I say back as he plants a soft kiss on the tip of my nose.

I'm about to speak again, but I stop myself. "Ahh!" I scream, covering my mouth and jump off the bed.

"What?" he questions confusedly as I frantically run into the bathroom.

"Morning breath!" I shout from the sink where I'm digging my toothbrush out. I hastily squeeze the toothpaste onto the wet bristles and shove it into my mouth. As I vigorously scrub, Miles appears in the mirror. He is leaning against the doorway with his arms folded.

That infamous smile plays on his lips as he watches me have a meltdown. "I don't care about your morning breath."

"But I do!" I shout but it comes out muffled from the toothpaste in my mouth.

Slowly, he walks up behind me, sliding his arms around my waist, and rests his head on my shoulder. "If we're going to be living together, we can't worry about these things," he states, staring at us in the mirror.

"You want to live with me?" I inquire.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Eventually." He smiles like he's achieved something and brings his mouth up behind my ear. "You want to know what happened last night?" His teeth lightly graze my earlobe, sending chills down my spine and I stifle back a moan. I can't think straight when he's this close to me.

"Yes," I mutter.

"Last night, you got tipsy, and we danced."

"Is that it?"

"No," he says.

I close my eyes and lean against him, not able to stand up myself. "Then what else happened?"

"Well," he begins. "We danced for a while, then, you let me do this." I feel his hands slide down my stomach, ever so slightly over my area, and around to my behind.

"What else?" I question, trying not to groan from his hand movements over my ass.

"Then..." He turns me around swiftly and pushes me against the granite counter. I gasp while he leans in until our faces are inches apart. "You saw a tray of food and ran away."

My face falls faster than a rollercoaster going downhill. "Oh," I say in shock. I swear he toys with my emotions on purpose! Which is not okay to do to a girl who's PMS'ing.

A chuckle escapes his lips. "We're going to the beach in half an hour; get ready, gorgeous." He turns around and begins walking away. Oh no, I'm not letting him get away with playing me like that. I look around the bathroom until I come up with the most perfect idea.

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