Chapter 35 II That's what she said

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Rose's POV

I saw Layla a second before she pulled me in a bone-crushing hug.

"I have some crazy shit to tell you", she said.

"Yeah, me too"

"My place?"

"Fine by me"

We smiled at each other. She frowned at my attempt of a smile, that obviously looked incredibly sad, and pressed her lips together. I shrugged and she pulled me back in a tight hug.

"If you keep that face I'm gonna have to squeeze you harder"

I laughed. I was so lucky to have her as my best friend. She winked at me and turned around on her heel.

"I'm sorry, mister", Layla tried to call one of Ultrrians, "Mister! Hi!"

He turned to us finally acknowledging her. With an amused look, he smiled. He looked about my father's age, but much hotter with his black hair and brown glowing eyes.

"Yes, dear", he said.

"If you could share with us the crucial information that answers the question of great importance that is where our ride is, we would be forever grateful", she asked and smiled sweetly. The man laughed briefly. I frowned. That sounded awfully familiar.

"Today, you'll stay at our court. New bus will come tomorrow"

"What happened to the old bus", I asked.

"It drove your friends home, young lady"

Layla opened her mouth to say something when the guy looked behind our back and smiled widely.

"Boys", he yelled. I looked over my shoulder and saw Adrian and Kayden. Adrian awkwardly waved at him and Kayden rolled his eyes.

"Come here", the man said.

"Do we have to?" Kayden yelled back. Adrian gave him the look and Kayden huffed.

"Uncle", Adrian greeted him. I'll be damned.

"Adrian...Kayden, let me see you", guy said, "You have grown so much. You know, you look just like your father"

"Vaughn... you look older. Aging does you no good", Kayden said seriously.

The guy, Vaughn, decided to think of it as a joke so he laughed. Maybe that is the best way to deal with Kayden. They continued talking as Layla and I moved away.

We carefully exited the school and went to our bench. It was completely clean and polished, but it still held memories.

"So, what happened", I asked her after a moment of silence.

She took a deep breath getting ready to spill. I knew how she felt as I felt the same way. I tried not telling her everything and it broke me. Sharing worries and lousy experiences with a best friend somehow makes them less scary. If I was not to tell her what happened that would make it a secret and some secrets put so much weight on your shoulders that you're not able to carry by yourself.

"Well, I was just trapped with Kayden for a few hours. He is claustrophobic, you know, and he had... anyways, that is not the point. Long story short - he kissed me"

I looked at her waiting for her to burst into laughter. When she didn't do it I shook my head still not believing. She's joking, right? Maybe she was preparing me for something a bit less stupid and not so life endangering. I gave her a questioning look and she replied with a toothy grin.

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