The Maine Land and ?

12 1 5

The Maine Land
13 year old Tara Diez was never expecting what was about to happen. For her whole life she was just expecting it to be her mother, her father, and her 3 sisters. After all, nothing really happens on her tiny island off of the mainland of Maine. But when her parents take in a 14 year old foster kid named Brandon and her older sister comes to visit, her whole life changes. First, she goes back to sharing her room with Gemma until she goes back to college so there's room for the boy. Then, her best friend ditches her to hang out with Zoey Burns, the most popular girl at school. Lastly, her and Brandon witness...the crime of the century? Well, at least part of it...and only from the island. How is Tara gonna cope with all these changes, yet alone, solve this crime?

Title Undetermined (comment any ideas)
Brooke Harris is a 14 year old girl. She seems completely normal to everyone; red-brown hair, kinda tan, brown eyes, goes to school, has hobbies. Like, people just think of her as a normal teenage girl. Well, there is a whole other side to Brooke. The truth is that she a shapeshifter. Actually, both had and her sister, Jessica, are. Actually, shapeshifter is more of an overstatement. They can only turn into birds; sparrows to be exact. So, her entire life has been normal. She lived on as a normal human being. Until, of course, when she accidentally let the secret slip. Luckily, its not any students or friends who know, more like adults. Adults such as Kirt Leeving and Ethan Tungo (possibly their body guards too). These two men are the nations best hunters of unusual things. Not just paranormal, not just other stuff, just unusual things in general. This leaves Brooke aware and running, but will she get caught? She can't run forever. For all she knows, this was a big mistake. But, she's not gonna let them catch her. Not for a thousand years.

Numbers 4 and 5, suggested by Sonyash2002

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