Chapter 16

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Dead bodies lined the streets. All that I could see, were causalities of Hargrove and not any of the mercenaries. I could hear screams coming from inside one of the nearby condos and then more flashes of gunfire.


Keeping low, we bolted across the street to my condo. The fire that had engulfed the condo by the front gate was now spreading to the one next to it. The blaze was so great that it was like a midnight sun, lighting up the block.

"Shit," John whispered.

I drew my eyes away from the intense flames and my condo. The front door had been bashed in. I gripped my AR15 tighter and ran in, briefly registering John telling me to stop. There were heavy footsteps in one of the back rooms. I tiptoed to the edge of the living room, using the wall to flatten my back against. I took a shaky breath and waited until I could hear the person better. It sounded like they were opening and closing doors. Probably looking for hiding survivors to shoot. Were Amanda and Roy already dead? Or were they still in here somewhere?

John and Ethan flattened against the wall beside me. I didn't bother to look at them as there would no doubt be a couple of angry expression waiting for me. Whoever was in there opened one of the drawers in my dresser. I knew it was mine because it rubbed and made a cringe worthy squealing sound every time I opened it.

I rushed around the corner and burst into my room. The man was caught off guard as he fumbled to lift his gun. Unlucky for him, I had mine ready. I let off two rounds, both landing in his chest. The man flew back knocking into the dresser and almost toppling it over. I quickly ran to the other side of the bed and kicked away the gun he was toting. He was coughing profusely. The light shining through my window illuminated the blood dribbling down his lips with every breath.

I hadn't killed him instantly with my shots.

"Who are you guys?" I asked, suppressing the urge to shoot him right then and there.

He coughed and tried to smile, but it came out as a grimace. "Fuck you."

"Fuck me? You just invaded our town and killed innocent people. So no, fuck you!" I growled, putting a bullet in his head.

"Interrogations are for after we've dealt with the threat. Now keep movin'," John said through clenched teeth.

We checked Roy and Amanda's room, but there was no sign that they were in there. The whole condo was free of blood, so I assumed they must have gotten away. While we were still inside, I tucked the sheathed hunting knife I found in my room into my waistline. I could use all the weapons I could get.

"Where are they?" Ethan asked.

"Dunno, but we gotta move onto the next condo." John waved us on.

Outside there were two mercenaries heading our way. They starting firing when they saw us and we bolted off in different directions to avoid the spray of bullets. I dove into the bushes on right and returned fire once I could right myself. This caused them to focus on me. Bullets ripped through the foliage and despite myself, I let out a scream. Staying low to the ground I crawled further away from them with the goal of using the side of the condo as cover.

Hot pain sliced through my right calf and I gave a harsh yelp. I drug myself up and against the side of the condo, putting a hand to my leg. It came away wet with blood. I tore my attention away from my injured leg when someone crunched down on the bushes I had vacated. I reached for my gun, which in my panic, was still lying on the ground.

I fumbled to reach the knife concealed in my waistband, but I didn't need it as the back of the man's head exploded and he fell forward dead.

"You okay?" John asked as he ran up to me.

This Would Be Paradise (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora