We'll see about that!

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For once in my life, even my inner voice didn't have any smart comments to make, but I was too stunned to even notice, much less gloat over it.

I was so shocked that, instead of persisting in my quest to ignore Mr. Ambrose under any and all circumstances, I automatically took my place next to him.

If he noticed at all, he didn't let it on, although, knowing him, he probably hadn't even noticed that I had, in fact, been ignoring him.

It didn't take long for me to regret my unconscious decision to forgive my dear employer, however, as Edgar Dalgliesh rejoined us not ten minutes later. To make matters even worse, he kept blabbering on and on about some stupid ball his brother was hosting, 'only for the high society of London, of course, very exclusive. I think he had wine imported from India...'.

Mr. Ambrose didn't seem quite as perturbed as I was by his unnecessary bragging.

In fact, he was continuing his unnatural behavior, smiling at Edgar; even asking him questions!

No matter how much I'd been softened by my currently-not employer's defense of sweet little me, he was starting to greatly annoy me again, but the breaking point came when his dear friend Edgar invited him to the ball.

I was sure that this would be a step too far for Mr. I-detest-human-interaction Ambrose, whatever he was up to. Surely, his hatred for everything and anything not directly related to making money would be enough to crack the facade? Especially if the whole thing was hosted by a Dalgliesh!

But no, for some unfathomable reason, Rikkard gave Edgar Dalgliesh a brilliant smile and agreed to attend.

I swear I saw the insolent prat shoot me an arrogant look, as if to dare me to ask if I could come, too. Well, I wasn't about to do anything of the sort! Especially not after he'd been pretending I didn't exist all morning.

Besides, it wasn't as if I was actually interested in going — I'd never been a big fan of wine, no matter how exclusive. Now, if it had been solid chocolate, I could have understood the excitement, but this?

No, the only reason I would want to attend this one would be to find out what Mr. Ambrose was up to — but I was sure he would tell me. After all, hadn't he called me all those wonderful names mere hours before? Surely, he would trust me with this, whatever it was.

When I asked him about it, an hour later, though, he insisted that he was behaving like a perfect gentleman towards a new friend.

"Bollocks!" I told him, "You're up to something!"

Mr. Ambrose gave me a perfectly cool look. "Indeed?"

Damn him and his ice cold demeanor!

"Fine," I snapped, "Don't tell me."

He regarded me coolly. "As I said, Mr. Linton, I am merely behaving like a gentleman. Now, if you ever wish to get your degree, you should get going to your next class."

He strode off, leaving me fuming. But I'd be damned if I didn't find out what that blasted man was up to -- probably something dangerous. I was positive he needed my help, he was just too proud to ask for it.

Yes. That was it. That was why why he wouldn't tell me.

My inner voice snorted, but managed to refrain from further commentary on either the situation or my thoughts.

Luckily for Mr. Ambrose, he didn't have to tell me. I had a plan.

An hour later, I was back at at the college gate, wearing one of my finest dresses and clasping my sharpest fan, just to be safe.

I tried my best to look innocent, lost, lovely and confused at the same time. I counted my lucky stars when I managed to duck out of a number of men's sight until I encountered Edgar Dalgliesh.

As I had hoped, Edgar, being a gentleman, asked to introduce himself and consequently offered his help with -- well, with whatever it was that I was doing there.

I smiled demurely at him, and batted my eyelashes a few times for good measure.

"My name is Linton, Lillian Linton. I'm looking for my brother, Victor. Our Aunt has sent me. Have you seen him by any chance? He's a bit of a strange fellow, about my size, has a tendency to offend people?" I looked down as if I was a bit ashamed of him. "He means well, honestly."

I smiled at him again, and was pleased to see his distrustful look at the mention of 'my brother' disappear, to be replaced with an indulgent smile.

"I'm afraid your brother left early today, miss Linton. He went home about an hour ago, before our last lesson. I must say I'm not very confident he will succeed in college with his attitude. Perhaps your Aunt should have a talk with him about his place in society as a gentleman."

I inwardly rolled my eyes -- my place in society! Ha! If he only knew.

"She has tried, she has, really! But Victor won't listen, no matter what anyone says!" I blinked innocently up at him. "I hope-" I paused and swallowed for extra effect, as if this was hard for me to say- "I hope he will soon realise the error of his ways. I suppose I will have to take a cabbie back home, before my aunt worries where I am. Thank you very much for your help. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Dalgliesh."

I curtseyed, then started walking away. I hadn't even completely turned around when Edgar offered to accompany me home. After all, a respectable young lady such as myself should not be wandering about London by herself.

After some consideration, I reluctantly conceded his point, and when I bid him goodbye at the front door of my home, he had invited me to accompany him to this party his brother was throwing, awfully boring really, but he was sure my presence alone would lighten up his night.

Aunt Brank didn't know what to do with her excitement when she found out I would be accompanying a man to a high society party.

"Oh, Lillian," she said, clasping her hands firmly together as she beamed at me, "You have no idea how proud I am of you - finally you are making some progress in securing a good husband for yourself!"

I nodded graciously. "I have realised that you were right, aunt. Behaving like a lady opens many doors."

Of course, I only wanted to go through one of them, but I figured it couldn't be harmful to let my Aunt believe in her silly illusions. Besides, this left her so overwhelmed by emotion that she didn't even notice when I went upstairs, changed into a fancier dress and darted outside to meet Edgar Dalgliesh, who was exactly five minutes early.

Luckily, she also didn't notice that I had somehow acquired a dress she most certainly hadn't paid for.

On the way to the ball, I got more and more annoyed with my company. I mean, I was happy he didn't spend the entire time talking about himself, but but Lord Dalgliesh, his apparently adored older brother, was hardly any better and only served to make me feel more anxious. What did Mr. Ambrose want at a ball of that slimeball?



Long time no see, all... Sorry about that. I did warn you... 

I hope you enjoyed this update :)

Denial (Storm and Silence fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora