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Nari slid on her jacket and her backpack with all of Nana's treasures for Jimin in it. "I'll text you after it's all done when I'm on my way home. Okay?" 

"Don't wash your hands after you touch his hands. Actually, just put on these gloves after you touch him so I can touch your hands after you get home and-"

"Nana, you sound like a creep. Knock it off." Nari looked at her sister suspiciously.  "Are you sure you only have chickenpox and not some kind of personality-altering brain tumor?"

She had never seen Nana be so over the top when it came to Jimin, but then again, it wasn't every day she had the opportunity to meet him either. It was probably all just a side effect of her extreme excitement.

"You're right. I'm teetering on the edge of sasaeng territory. Gotta calm down." Nana took a few deep breaths, and then her eyes popped wide open, and she squealed loudly. "BUT I CAN'T!" 

Nana grabbed Nari's hands and bounced in circles. She finally stopped when both girls were out of breath. 

"Nana, I swear you're BTS' biggest fan." Nari laughed. "Did you tell Mom you were sending me in your place?"

"Yeah. She's busy with work anyway, and I think she's secretly happy I didn't ask her to go instead of you."

Nari and Nana both laughed at the mental image of their forty-something mother going to a BTS fansign. It was almost too hilarious to think about. 

"Okay, I'm off. Wish me luck!" Nari kissed her sister's cheek, and with fists upraised in the air, she left the house like a Hobbit leaving the Shire for the very first time. 

* * *

The members of BTS piled into the vans after their music show appearance and headed to the shop where their next fansign was to be held.

Jimin scrolled through Twitter. His birthday had passed just a few days ago, yet people were still wishing him a happy birthday. He smiled. It was nice of people to think about him.

His smiled widened as he pecked out a message on his keyboard.

BTS_twt: Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes! Should I post a post-birthday / music show selca as a way to say thanks?

Replies poured in by the thousands in a matter of seconds. All were practically begging for a Jimin selfie. He giggled and looked around for someone to pose with. He knew the fans loved to see the other members as well.

Hmm. Who hasn't posted in a while?

He spied his victim and grinned. This would get the Twitter-verse all...twitter-pated. He giggled at his internally-voiced joke. He reached up and flipped on the overhead light.

"Ah," groaned a low, gravelly voice from beside him. "Next time, warn me first," it grumbled.

"Hyung, come here; I told the fans I would post a picture. Be in it with me. Please?"

With a loud groan as if he was being asked to cut off his arm, Yoongi leaned over and smiled in a very cheesy way at the camera. Jimin couldn't help but laugh, and his thumb accidentally hit the shutter button on his phone. He laughed so hard his eyes had disappeared, and Yoongi was smiling like some creeper. Jimin went with it anyway and posted it.

Fans went nuts.

"You know this is only going to fuel those 'YoonMin' shippers' fires," grumbled Yoongi with a smirk.

"Ahh, fan service at its best," sighed J-Hope from the seat behind.

"You should know," laughed Jimin. "I've read you're called the King of fan service."

ReversedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora