Chapter 11

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Vivian's POV

I wanted to smack that smirk right off his gorgeous face. Who does he think he is? This must be some kind of joke. It's probably just a hallucination. I blinked several times, waiting for him to disappear. But he didn't.

"You look surprised to see me, best friend." He said with emphasis.

"What are you even doing here?"

"I live here now." No shit, Sherlock.

Rich and Steven continued to assess one another. Well, more like Rich was burning holes through Steven and Steven, well, he was just smiling politely. I mentally face palmed. He can be too oblivious sometimes.

"It's nice talking to you, Rich, but we've got somewhere to go." I gently pushed Steven towards the stairs. As we pass Rich, I give him a look that says we'll talk about this later. And the bastard just smiled. What is going on?

Steven opened the car door for me and I smiled in thanks. I looked back up where Rich was standing and saw him waving cheerfully. I looked at him like he was crazy. My facial expression was probably priceless because he burst out laughing.

"Well, he seems nice." He said as he got in.

"Really?" I asked glancing at Steven.

"No. I just wanted to spare your feelings. I think he's just...protective of you."

"You're right about that. He actually tried to talk me out of going out with you." I laughed.

"Oh, really. Well, I'm happy you didn't listen." My smile faltered.

He sounded tense. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. The atmosphere in the car was silent and almost suffocating. I looked out the window and saw a bunch of stores. Are we going to the mall?

"We're going to the mall." Steven said. Well, that clears that up.

"Do you know how to ice skate?" He asked.

"That depends, do you count holding on to the wall as skating?" I asked unsure.

He laughed out loud. "Definitley not. No worries, I'll help you."

At least, he's not mad. Unfortunately the price is my humiliation.

"No! Don't! I can't do it!"

"Yes, you can. Just a little. It's not hard."

"Yes, it is! Do you see that?! It's really hard!"

I fell onto the cold ice. And it hurt. A lot. I tried to get up, but I only managed to fall back down. Steven was silently laughing at me and I playfully glared. He easily skated over to help me get back on my feet.

As he helped me up from the ground, he whispered "Yeah, it's hard. For you, anyway."

I blushed at his comment, and avoided his stare.

"Ha, ha very funny." I said as I wobbled back to the wall.

He skated around in front of me. "Yeah, I thought so too."

He held out his hand, and I happily took it. Mainly because if I held his hand I won't fall. But if I did, he'd go down with me. Yep, that's the game plan.

Steven pulled me away from the safety of the wall and we were close enough that I could feel his body heat. I then held his arm with both hands to keep from falling again. I felt like a newborn deer just learning to walk. He squeezed my hand affectionately and I looked to him and smiled.

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