Part 20: Off The Grid

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I put Aniease in a cage that's big enough to fit two of her, I put a toy in there too to keep her busy. I put on black boots, black skinny jeans, and a black sweater. Trisha and Lance walk into the room each holding one bag, I put on my sunglasses even though it's night.

"Okay we'll drive back out to that park again and there's a car already out there." Lance says "it's a hell of a nice car so don't fuck it up." He says I chuckle

"I promise I won't." I say

"Okay once you get to the hotel put on your glasses and don't make much eye contact or chat with them." Lance rushes his words

"Look, you can tell me on the drive there. Let's go!" I urge. I pick up Jazz and kiss her sweating her down and leaving her. We get packed into the car and Lance starts to drive "Are you sure Stanford will still except me?" I ask

"Yes, we told them a sad story and they accepted you to be there at least by two days max!" Trisha says happily. "The hotel is near Stanford, but not close. You'll have to get some food from mini-marts and make sure you keep your glasses on." Trisha hands me the bags to stay in the back.

"So is the hotel not close to Stanford?" I ask

"No, that's why you have to leave early and drive all night and you'll get to Stanford early." Trisha says.

"Okay." I say

"Now, always remember to put on sunglasses when you don't have your hair dyed, get to the hotel and dye your hair, go to Stanford and live your life." Lance says checking over everything.

"There's makeup in there." Trisha says "there's a lot in there on how to make your eyes look bigger and there's contour to make your cheekbones pop. I wrote down all the makeup in there, it's all cheap so you can buy it over again." Trisha says and the car stops in front of a Maserati

"Holy shit!" I say "did you have to get that nice of a car?" I ask Lance

"It's the only black car we have." I get out and put the two bags in the back with the cat in the passenger side. Me and Trisha stand in front of each other, I give her a big hug and we both start to cry

"Be safe." I whispered.

"Live your life." She told me, she lets go of me and I immediately want to hold her again. Lance comes up to me

"Thank you Lance." I say rubbing my eye

"Be safe." He says hugging me

"Take care of her." I say my voice cracks. Lance lay go and holds Trisha "be careful and be safe." I said getting into the car. I start to drive and I look back to see Trisha crying in Lances arms, I don't feel sad I feel free. I smile and drive where the map says to.


I stop at a fast-mart around three in the morning. I put on my sunglasses and grab some cash, I walk in and pass the clerk and grab some chips and a sandwich, I also get a bowl for Aniease. I walk up to the clerk

"How are you?" He asks like always

"I'm good. How are you?" I ask out of habit, but don't look at him

"I'm good, thanks for asking. It'll be $7.52." He says and I hand him eight dollars

"Keep the change." I say grabbing the sack and leaving. I get into the car and let Aniease out, I put her on the floor and put food in her bowl and she starts to eat. I drive off and start to drive towards the hotel while eating. Aniease hops onto the passenger seat and crawls onto my lap. I grab the burner cell and call T6(Trisha)

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