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Hey guys!! *waves* if you have any questions pertaining to the book or...me :) you can ask in the comments and then I'll post a separate update answering them 😀. That update will also contain some other things so don't remove from your library just yet 😉. Thank you.

Kaylyn and Matthew both flung the covers over their heads, breathing heavily and in between laughs.

"Wow, that was amazing," she breathe out, staring at the white ceiling while she tried to catch her breath.

Matthew chuckled. "Better than the first, don't you think?" he asked, still in awe with the feelings he had experienced just moments ago.

"Of course," Kaylyn choked out suddenly. The first wasn't in near competition to the sheer pleasure that they both just shared.

Drunk with a hazy mind did not come close to sober, in love and passionate.

Matthew turned to his side, reaching for Kaylyn once more as he kissed her soft lips again, the sweetness of it causing a wave of emotion to bolt through him. He withdrew and brought his mouth to her chest.

"We," he kissed her breast. "Can go," moving to her neck. "Another round," he finally reached her lips and she grinned her reply.

"Matt, the kids will be awake soon and -" he silenced her with a kiss and the passion that it carried soon had Kaylyn forgetting what she had earlier said.

"Mom! Dad!" Sapphire's voice came, causing Matthew and Kaylyn to stiffen.

Kaylyn still smiled hearing Sapphire call her mom. It was a few months after her father's funeral when she had asked to privately talk with Kaylyn.

"Kaylyn, may I ask you something?" She had asked when they were alone. Sapphire had seemed surprisingly shy and Kaylyn was a bit concerned about it.

"Sure," she had quickly said.

Sapphire fidgeted with her fingers, her head lowered on the task while she nervously twisted her mouth.

"One day Josiah will call you mommy so I..." she trailed off with a sigh. "If you say no, I will be OK with it."

"Sapphire, what is it?" Kaylyn prodded, already sensing where the conversation was headed, and boy, her heart was already swimming with joy.

"Can you be my mommy too?" She blurted.

Kaylyn laughed, suddenly teary eyed. "Honey, you didn't have to ask- I took the job a long time ago."

Sapphire beamed. "So I can call you mommy then?"

Kaylyn had cried before pulling her into her arms. "Of course!"

"Hey," she heard Matthew's voice and halted herself from her thoughts.

"Yeah," she asked, searching his face.

"Come on, get dressed. If Sapphire doesn't see us, she will come bolting in here and quite frankly, I don't have any holy water to put in her eyes when she sees us like this," he exclaimed between laughs.

Kaylyn grinned. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just can't get used to the sound of 'mommy'." She admitted.

Matthew smiled as he placed a swift kiss on her lips. "Come on."

They both quickly got dressed and went into the living room where they found Sapphire and Josiah. They were both in their pyjamas and seated on the sofa.

Seeing them, Sapphire immediately got up and ran to the opposite side of Josiah, just a few inches away.

"Sapph, what's going on?" Matthew asked curiously.

Bound By A Bump (COMPLETED)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara