Papa D

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I woke up to Dana shaking my arm. "Wassup we here?" I asked.

"Yup." She said stretching. "Get up we gonna land in like 10 minutes." She said.

You could tell she was sleeping by the way she look. I got up and stretched and looked around.
Quan and Aaron were just getting up and Rah was still next to me knocked out.

"Rah wake up its almost time for us to land." I said.

He slowly opened his eyes and when he looked at me he smiled. "Oh boy what you smiling for?" I asked.

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me towards him biting his lips. "Last night you kissed me for the first time instead of me kissing you since we split up. I don't care we are boyfriend and girlfriend again." He said smiling.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him off me but he held on tight. "I only did it to calm you down stop letting it go to your head." I said.

He rolled his eyes and pushed me off him. "You never show me any love." He said.

I chuckled. "Maybe if you wasn't going around getting girls pregnant you could've gotten a whole lotta love." I said smiling in his face.

"You was still gonna give me that love last night tho." He mumbled.

I got ready to punch him but he caught my fist and stood up towering over me. "I was caught up in the moment shut up." I said.

He started to laugh. "I'm just fucking with you calm down." He said.

"Aye you two stop it. It's way to early for that." Dana said.

"What time is it anyways?" Rah asked stretching.

"8 o'clock." She replied.

"Everyone please take a seat. We will be landing shortly." A woman said.

We sat down and buckled up getting ready to land. It was a little shaky at first but when we did land Rah was the first person off the plane.

"What's wrong with him?" Dana asked.

"He had to go pee." I lied.

She shrugged her shoulders and we met up with a man in a suit. As I got closer I realized it was Dana's father.

"My oh my if it isn't Ms.Kennedy." He said pulling me in to a hug.

"Wassup Papa D." I said calling him an old nickname.

He's Dana's pops and Dana's name starts with a D. I was a creative ass five year old.

"See you still remember that nickname. Lemme guess this is your boyfriend? Rah right?" He asked going to shake Rashawn's hand.

Rashawn smirked at him and before he had a chance to say something I cut him off. "No he's just a really close friend that's all and yea that's him." I said.

Rah gave me the meanest look ever and I just smiled at him.

Dana's father looked over at Quan. "So lemme guess you're the man that got my daughter pregnant?" He asked.

"In the flesh." Quan replied shaking his hand.
"At least my daughters will have good hair." He replied smiling.

He turned towards Dana who just kept her head down and looked around avoiding eye contact.

"Dana." He said.

"What." She replied.

"Give me a hug." He said.

She was hesitant at first but her eyes got teary and she went and gave him a hug. "You know I love you baby." He said.

"I love you too dad." She replied with her voice cracking.

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