Update #2

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Hello guys, sorry that I haven't posted a chapter in about a month; I've been busy with school and boy scouts. I'm currently working on two stories right now: Chronicles of Marcus Claudius Maximus and Martin conDoin. If you read my stories then you should already be familiar with the MCM story because it was my first story ever on Wattpad and it was why I joined, well partially. I joined Wattpad to get my fanfics to a greater audience and to be able to write without having to save it to a place where I couldn't have access everywhere I went. Thanks to Wattpad, I can now do those things and I'm very happy doing them.

Another reason why I'm posting this update is to tell you my new year's resolution for both Wattpad and fanfiction.net. My New Year's Resolution is that I will try to post a chapter for one of my stories once a week; one week for the MCM story, and the other week for my new story Martin conDoin. I hope that you can cope with my current situation and can understand why I'm even doing this.

Emperor of Wattpadia

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