○ Phase Two ○ 19 • Junior Year

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|| p h a s e  t w o ||

» life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved «

– Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

    The first bell rang, a sharp piercing through the bubble of sleep-deprived chatters and lazy yawns of Monday morning

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    The first bell rang, a sharp piercing through the bubble of sleep-deprived chatters and lazy yawns of Monday morning.

    Like a time bomb being set off, students began picking up their pace, slamming locker doors, and breaking away from their cliques, a fresh-looking schedule in each of their hands. It was, after all, the beginning of a new school year.

    And for Evelyn Monroe, the first day of junior year.

    Sixteen years of her life has passed by and she was yet to decide whether she preferred the quiet of the house she lived in or the constant murmur of the school. She supposed it didn't matter either way; it was all mundane to her. Like the dried leaves of early September currently dusting the school grounds compared to the buds of hibiscus she found during mid-April — something that was merely natural, something that was just... there. But what she didn't contribute towards and what served her no purpose all the same.

    Quiet, or noise. Fall, or spring. It didn't matter; not to her. Eva just... existed.

    The second bell, which acted as a warning, sounded through the hallway, bouncing off the walls and into Eva's ears, pulling her away from where shed spaced out.

     As soon as her mind returned to her surroundings, she caught a pair of familiar eyes. Eyes that belonged to a girl she once knew way back when. But they were gone out of sight as soon as they had appeared when the girl snapped her head the other way and followed a small crowd of other juniors.

    The third and final bell rang, signalling the commencement of the classes and then, and only then, did Eva finally get her feet started towards the direction of her class.


    The teacher hadn't yet arrived when Eva found her homeroom class and most of the students were chatting away with their peers to notice her enter; all factors that worked well to her benefit. She loved being the overlooked; rolled around in the sensation lavishly.

    Finding herself a seat tucked into the furthest corner of the class, Eva made a beeline for it. She didn't pause to listen into conversations around, or to snatch a glimpse of the cute quarterback laughing boisterously with a teammate or even to marvel at Crystal's new manicure that a few girls were drooling over.

    Nothing held her interest and yet everything made her question her upbringing. She'd learnt to bury those questions a long time ago though; the ones that used to plague her mind endlessly during a time when there was hope in her eyes and within the spaces of her ribcage, enveloping her young heart.

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