V ■ Hate

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"Miss Alexis."

I burried my face further into the sheets and blankets at the soft knock on the door. Maybe if I just ignored them, whoever it was would go away.

"Miss Alexis?"

There was a frustrated jiggle of the handle, but the large mahogany doors remained locked from when I had taken the wolfsbane. I couldn't chance someone walking in on me after I'd just injected. Though each time it got a little easier, the poison still did some funky shit to me as it coursed through my veins.

With a heavy sigh, the person on the other side finally left, and I couldn't help but smile as I sprawled out across the King's ginormous bed. As I laid there, gazing up at the vaulted ceiling, I wondered why someone needed a bed so large anyways.

In fact, if I actually cared to admit it, there were a few things I was curious to know about this, so-called King. Like, why was there a King in the first place? Had he inherited the position or was he voted in?

Maybe Gabriel was secretly like the Governor, or Negan and one day he had just barged in and declared that all this shit was his now. I could see that. In fact, it wasn't hard at all to envision. He was, afterall, the largest werewolf I'd ever laid eyes on.

Suddenly, there was a much louder pound against the door followed by an even angrier voice than the one from before.

"Alexis," the King hissed. "Open this door, now!"

As he called out for me to unlock the handle, all I could think about was how I just wanted to curl up and die.

"Alexis, I will break down this door!"

However, unlike everyone else, I had a feeling that even if I continued to ignore him, Gabriel wouldn't just go away.



But then again, this was his room.

"Okay, okay," I grumbled as I got up from the nice comfy bed. As I watched the door bounce with every pound of his fist, I was surprised it hadn't exploded already.

"Happy now, Your Majesty?"

As I flung the door open, my stomach felt like it had been over taken by a million butterflies as I got a good look at the furious King standing in the hallway. Somehow, in the short amount of time from this morning until now, I had forgotten just how handsome he really was, and for a second, I thought I was going to faint.

I guess I was hoping that the wolfsbane would somehow make me feel differently. The fact that it didn't, scared the hell out of me. But maybe I just hadn't taken enough--

"Why didn't you come down to dinner?" he questioned, angrily storming past me. I could see the tension along his broad shoulders and strong back. "I am the Alpha King, Alexis. How do you think it looks to the rest of the world, if I can't even control my own mate?"

I could feel my face flush as I spun around to face him. "Look here, Your Worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight."

Did he really think that he could control me?

"I didn't ask to be your mate, and I certainly didn't ask for you to bring me here," I reminded him. "So what ever the world thinks about you, sounds a hell of a lot to me like a you problem."

I watched as the King's jaw visibly ticked. It was evident that he had never been defied so blatantly in his life-- and as hard as I tried, I couldn't help but feel a little smug about the whole situation.

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