Chapter twenty four.

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Wednesday, Thursday and most of Friday passed and Alex still didn't hear from or see Belle. There moments when he thought he'd go crazy with wanting her, needing her in his presence, her smile, her voice. The rest of the time he was too drunk to remember his own name, let alone hers.

There were times when the alcohol kicked in fully and he'd numb to the pain, his brain to foggy to realize what a mess he'd created but even that wasn't enough. It would last a short time before his mind would conjure up her image, he'd hear her laugh echo through the house, smell her shampoo and swear he could almost taste her lips just before he'd black out.

He went to work, he needed his job but he wasn't enthusiastic anymore. Most of the kids joked and played on their phones while he read behind his desk, they were all going to fail anyway. He was too hungover during the day to care if they learned anything or not.

He walked into his beach house and kicked off his shoes, pulling his tie loose. He tossed the tie aside and dropped his briefcase as he headed towards the kitchen. He shed his jacket as he pulled open the fridge and pulled out a beer tipping it up, he wondered when he last ate but realized he couldn't remember.

It was Friday and all he wanted to do was drink until he passed out and sleep in on Saturday. He was finishing off his beer when there was a knock on the door. Dropping the empty bottle in the trash he crossed the floor and opened the door, Belle stood on the other side.



He wasted no time in reaching for her, catching her wrist and pulling her against him, smothering her lips with his. He slammed the door shut with her body pinning her against it, his hands dropping to her thighs and lifting her off the floor.

Her legs naturally went around his waist, clinging to him just a desperately as he clung to her, he turned and took the few steps needed to bring them to the kitchen table and with a swipe of his arm cleared the surface before setting her down and finally pulling away from her lips.

"I thought I'd go crazy," He murmured breathlessly.

He stripped his shirt off, buttons scattering as he pulled it apart and shrugged it off his shoulders. Her hands slid up his chest, to his shoulders, down his arms, tracing any patch of bare skin she could find.

He gripped the edge of her flimsy purple t-shirt and stripped it over her head, pausing when he saw the yellow and gray colored bruises that marred her flesh. He leaned down and taking a deep breath placed soft kisses on each bruise kissing his way from her shoulder to her neck and upwards.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," She said.

"Shhh, it's okay now." He replied, kissing her lips gently.

Her hands dropped to his belt, pulling it loose and tossing it aside. She undid his zipper and slipped her hand inside even as he reclined her back onto the table.

They lay together on his couch, Alex on his back with Belle laying on top of him and a thin blanket covering their naked bodies. He couldn't stop touching her, he ran his fingers through her long dark hair watching it fall across her smooth back and shoulder.

"I'm sorry I stayed away so long," She said softly.

"You're here now, that's all that matters."

"I had to wait, until things died down at home, until I knew....that it was safe for you."

"I don't care about me, it needs to be safe for you. You need to get out of that house."

"I will, in a few months when I'm eighteen. Jade and I are leaving."

"He's going to kill you if you stay," He said.

"I've made it this long," She said with a soft sigh.


She turned in his arms, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips, interrupting his protest. When she pulled away she smiled and he was undone, he pushed her hair back from her face, his hand sliding down her back.

"So, been drinking pretty hard?" She asked.

"How do you know?"

She turned her head, reaching for a nearby bottle that lay on the floor. She picked it up and dangled it between two fingers.

"I've had a few, he admitted."

"Alex.....don't throw away your sobriety over shit that I've got going on."

"We've got going on, we're a team."

"A team?"

"Yeah I mean....I know I can't take you out or....make it official but....aren't we....kind of an item?"

"Yeah...we are," She said softly, pressing a kiss to his bare chest.

"You know what? I can't take you out to dinner but I can sure you cook you one."

"That would be nice she admitted...when?" She turned her head to look up at him.

"Later," He replied, pulling her body tightly against his and kissing her deeply.

She was sitting on the counter, swinging her feet and wear nothing but his shirt. She watched him chop vegetables and meats, moving smoothly around the kitchen. He was wearing only his boxers and it was a sight she wished she could get use too but as bad as she wanted too she knew she shouldn't.

"Try this," He said, lifting a piece of bruschetta to her lips.

She leaned forward and took a bite, it was good.

"It's delicious," she said while chewing.


"Yeah," She smiled.

He leaned in for a searing kiss, pulling away with a heavy sigh.

"You gotta stop distracting me," He said.

"Sorry," She teased.

"No, you're not."

He shook his head then turned back to the stove and the chicken he was cooking. She watched him move back and forth and wished this could be her life.

He put candles on the table and lit them, setting out fancy plates and the gourmet meal he prepared. Belle sat immediately to his right, within touching distance.

"This is so....nice," She said.

"When you turn eighteen.....we can enjoy the sun together.....we can go out."

"I would like that," She admitted.

He reached over to life her hand and press a kiss on the back of it, he wanted to tear that shirt from her body and take her on the table but he refrained, he wanted to have a normal dinner with her more.

"How long can you stay?" He asked, the question that had been burning in his mind.

"Just tonight, I'll have to go in the morning."

"That's that I thought," He said with a heavy sigh, still gripping her hand.

"I'll be in school on Monday," She promised.

"" He forced a smile and dropped another kiss on her hand.

As he ate dinner he had time to think, the age difference may not bother Belle but he was growing even more aware of it with every mention of school. He was her teacher he wasn't supposed to be having sex with her and he sure as hell wasn't supposed to be falling even more in love with her.

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