Chapter Six: Taunted by a John Doe

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Note to Readers: I can not claim accuracy for any of Reid's facts, they're just made up because it's a Reid thing to say.

7:03 pm, BAU Office

"This is getting us nowhere!" Morgan exclaimed, tossing a picture onto the table and throwing his hands up in exasperation as he began pacing.

"Morgan's right.  We've been at this for three hours, we're not getting any farther than we were after the second victim showed up," JJ agreed.

"I hate to say it, but what this case really needs is Reid," Rossi remarked quietly, but he was just speaking what all of them were thinking.

"Well in case you haven't noticed, Reid's not here right now!" Morgan snapped.

"Morgan," Hotch chided in a warning tone, and Morgan angrily turned and left the room.  It wasn't easy knowing your best friend was out there somewhere, who-knows-what happening to him, and not being able to do a single thing about it.

Garcia slowed her pace as she came down the hallway and spotted Morgan pacing back and forth right outside the door of the conference room.

"Hey, hot stuff," she said softly.

He glanced up at her and sighed, "Please tell me something I want to hear, baby girl."

"I enhanced the footage from Reid's apartment and I think I might have something," she said.

Morgan raised his eyebrows in surprise, anger forgotten, and then stuck his head back in the conference room to call the rest of the team.

They all gathered around Garcia's monitors and she stabbed a button on the keyboard with the end of a colorful fountain pen and the enhanced footage started playing out on the center screen.

There was no movement in the hallway, but then a burly figure dressed in black came down the hall.  His face was obscured by a hood pulled up over his head and a ski mask covering the rest of his face, but the man walked right past the door to Reid's apartment and stopped at the next door down the hall, almost directly opposite Reid's.

He knocked and in a beat someone answered.  There was no noise, but they could clearly see Jeff's infuriated face on the screen as he conversed with the man in black.  The man grabbed Jeff by the shirtfront, hauling him out of his apartment and shoving him across the hallway, and he stumbled but caught himself, straightening up in front of the door to Reid's apartment.  With a nervous glance back at the man who was pressing a gun into his back, Jeff raised a fist and rapped on the door to Reid's apartment.

Momentarily, a messy-haired Reid, sans glasses, opened the door, and they could see his mouth moving as he talked to him, but Reid stopped talking, staring open-mouthed as the man in black shoved Jeff out of the way.  A frantic Jeff scurried back to his apartment, and all the members of the BAU watched, entranced, as their friend and co-worker's kidnapping played out on the screen.

Garcia gasped even though she had already watched the footage numerous times as the man's hand flew across Reid's face, knocking him back into his apartment and out of sight.  Morgan's jaw was clenched, JJ had her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide in horror, and Prentiss, Rossi, and Hotch were staring at the screen, their mouths set in matching grim lines.

They watched on the screen as the man disappeared inside the apartment, leaving the door open behind him.  The hall was again motionless for a few brief minutes and then the man in black emerged again, an unconscious Reid dressed in a T-shirt and sweatpants, slung over his shoulder.  The man carefully closed the door to Reid's apartment and then turned and looked directly at the camera.

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