Chapter four

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"All right." Said Namjoon hyung from across the table, his expression clarifying that there was no room for arguments. "We are going to the trip."

Taehyung looked at me, a smirk forming on his lips at the idea of a holiday. I smiled back. I looked at Jimin, who was looking at me, a secret smile on his lips.

Hobi hyung straight out let out a shriek of happiness, and yoongi hyung just groaned, making the rest of us laugh.

Namjoon was smiling too. "Okay then, it's settled. If anyone has a problem," he looked pointedly at Yoongi. "Can consult the floor."

That drew a laugh from everyone in the group-except for the one being targeted. "I'm your hyung, you know?"

Namjoon shrugged. "Whatever. Majority wins."

The next day, we were packed and ready. We all left for the airport in two separate cars-with our managers in one other, and the free spaces in ours occupied by our burly bodyguards.

The Younger ones rode in one car, while the elder ones rode in another,which is how I found myself wedged between Tae and Jimin.

"Hey Taehyung." Said Jimin from my left. "Give me some Cheetos, man."

Taehyung-sitting on my right-stuck his hand in the big packet, and popped one into his mouth. He made loud moaning noises, closing his eyes. "Yum. No way, Jiminnie." He licked his fingers clean, and stuck his hand back in the pack.

Jimin crinkled his nose. "Ew." He said. "I don't want it anymore."

Taehyung shrugged, popping another one. "Huh. Not that you could reach into it with your small mochi hands!"

Jimin playfully reached across me to slap Tae, laughing.

"Hyung! Hyung stop!" I laughed too, trying to push them apart, which only made them quarrel harder.

Jimin reached across me, on his knees to punch Taehyung. Suddenly, the car lurched, and Jimin's upper half was sprawled on top of my lower.

We both sucked in a breath at the contact, but didn't comment anything as he straightened up. He looked out the window then. I couldn't see his cheeks, but I could see that his ears were very very red.

Teahyung was oblivious to the tension

"What? Giving up, Jiminnie?" he asked, smirking.

Jimin looked back, smirking. "Not yet, Tae. Just biding my time." He said. "You'll see, just wait for the resort."

Taehyung sat back. "It sounds like a loss to me." and peacefully ate his cheetos.

A guileless silence fell in the car, the Seoul cityscape passed us by outside the window.

Well,except for Taehyung humming 'pick me' by Produce 101 in the background around his loud munching sounds.

"Jimin?"I asked.

He looked up at me, as if woken up from a dream. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" I asked.

A frown appeared between his eyebrows, making the smooth forehead wrinkle. "Why would I not be?"

I shrugged, fiddling with the hem of my white t-shirt. "I don't know. You were suddenly very quiet."

He looked at me then, straightening up. His eyes looked deep into my eyes, an expression I couldn't quite decipher in his eyes.

"You noticed." he breathed, almost too low for me to hear. He looked back out the window. "I'm fine. You don't need to worry."

Before I could reply, the car halted. We were at the airport.

We grabbed our carry bags, and exited the car. As I climbed out after Jimin, I saw the other hyungs coming out of their car.

"Hey!"Said Jimin and Taehyung, almost simultaneously, making them laugh.

"come on." Said the leader of our group. "We're already late. The security check may start anytime soon." He said, looking into his watch.

The guys followed behind our managers and bodyguards who walked ahead. We waved to the fans who had gathered outside of the airport, pausing to sign a few autographs.

Going in, we discovered that security check, in fact, had commenced. We quietly filed into a line, holding our passports and visas.

I somehow ended up at the back, behind Tae, who was still humming songs.

"Hey Jungkookie!" He said. "Look at that!" He pointed to a kid sitting in the chairs in the waiting area.

The kid-not more than five - had an album of ours in his small hands, and was leafing through the pages, a small frown etched between his eyebrows as he tried to read.

"He's so adorable!" Exclaimed Taehyung. "Can I-"

"No you cannot." Cut in Yoongi hyung, who was in front of tae. "We have to go."

Taehyung huffed. "Fine."

The line moved forward, and soon the security wand was being run down my body.

After the analysis of my things and myself, the personnel said, "You're good to go."

I thanked them, bowing, and they bowed back as I walked ahead.

As I was nearing the cockpit, I saw the retreating backs of the hyungs towards the plane. I hurried to catch up, before I saw Jimin,standing by, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"I thought you'd left." I told him.

He smiled. "Never." Jin hyung called from the stairs to the door of the plane. "Come on, now."

He stretched his hand out to me, as if hoping I'd hold it. Then, he clenched his hand into a fist as he shook his head.

I wish I could tell him that I'd almost taken his hand.

"Come on." He said, and I followed him.

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