Ch.21: X-Men Reboot

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I sat in the cafe, typing away on my computer. "Boo!" Joseph said right next to my ear, making me jump out of my skin. "Jesus Christ, you scared me." I said, dramatically placing my hand over my heart. He just gave me a cheeky smile, sitting down across from me. "Have you found anything yet?" He asked me, placing my caramel frappichino in front of me. "Not yet." I told him, taking a sip of it, "There is literally nothing I can think of that would make someone scratch through her skull."  "Look harder." I gave him a deadly look, making him throw his hands up in defense. "I was kidding, jeez." He muttered as I went back to researching. I saw something, making my turn my laptop to Joseph. "What the-" I heard him mutter as I pulled out my phone, dialing Sam's number. I quickly told him where to go before hanging up. "Why are you even here?" I asked Joseph, taking my laptop back. "I just thought I'd pop in. See what you were doing." I gave him a look, "Oh really?"  "Really." I quickly shut off my laptop, placing it in my bag, then stood up. "Let's head back to the motel." I told him. He also stood up, grabbing his coffee as I grabbed my drink and my bag.

We finally pulled up to the motel and I hopped out, making my way to my room. I sighed when I opened it, immediately going to my bed, flopping down on it. "I'm so tired." I whined into my pillow. "Well go to bed at a reasonable time, and maybe you wouldn't be tired." Joseph said, shutting the door. "Shut up." I stuck my tongue out at him. He did the same, then sat on the bed next to me. "So, you found nothing? At all?"  "All I can think of is a witch." I told him once again. My door popped open, and Dean stuck his head in. "You've gotta see this." I slowly followed him to his room. I walked in to find an uncooked ham on the table, with a pair of rubber gloves, with a few pairs of goggles. "Put these on." Dean excitedly said, tossing me a pair of goggles, and one to Joseph. "You ready?" Dean asked Sam. "Hit it, Mr. Wizard." Dean walked over to the ham, slowly and carefully putting on a joy buzzer. He hesitantly pressed it to the ham, making it start to crackle. The ham started to smoke and change color. After a few seconds, Dean lifted the joy buzzer from the ham, showing that it was fully cooked. "That'll do, pig." Dean said as we all took off our goggles. "What the hell? That crap isn't supposed to work." I gawked. "This thing doesn't even have batteries." Dean told us as he took off his rubber gloves. ", what? Are-are we looking at cursed objects?" Sam asked as Dean pulled out his knife, cutting a piece of ham. "I was thinking maybe there's a powerful witch in town." I said. "Is there any link between the, uh, the joy buzzer and the itching powder?"  "Uh, one was made in China, the other Mexico, but they were both bought from the same store." Sam said. Dean moaned as he chewed on the ham. When Sam gave him a weird look, Dean held out a piece of ham to him. Sam just shook his head. 

We all entered the Conjurarium, the store where they sold the itching powder and joy buzzer. "Sam!" Dean called out, making us turn to face him. He held up a whoopee cushion, smiling, making Sam sigh and shake his head while turning away. I stifled a laugh as I picked up a bag of fake poop. "Heads up." I called to Joseph, tossing it to him when he turned to face me. He took a look at him, "That's nasty." He set it down. "You're a prude." I joked, looking at all the stuff. This is prank paradise. "Are you actually gonna buy any of this stuff?" Joseph asked me, walking towards me. "No. I have something better in mind." I smiled. "Oh! No!" I heard someone yelp. I turned around to see a terrified owner, who was making weird noises, staring at a melted rubber chicken. "Something tells me this guy isn't a powerful witch." I told Joseph. He just nodded. "Sorry. Sorry." I heard Dean apologize, before they turned to leave. The owner was still in shock as we left the store.

I took a bite of my ham sandwich, putting it back down on my plate. "Who do you usually hunt with?" I asked Joseph. "My brothers." He told me, not looking up from the laptop. "Brothers? Plural?" I asked. "Yeah, I have 3."  "How do I not know anything about you?" He just shrugged,  "It's not that important." I just stared at him. "Fine. I am the youngest, I have a GED, and I'm a Scorpio. Happy?" He said in an annoyed tone. "Not really." I said, annoyed too. "I wanna meet them." I announced. "Not gonna happen." He snapped my laptop shut. "Why?"  "Because I said so." He stared at me, leaning back in his chair, crossing his arms. "You're a dick." I told him. "I know." 

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