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"So, this Aaron guy," Nadia said, pacing around her apartment, "he was playing you?"

I shook my head, "I don't think so." It was an honest reply. The little time I got to be with him, that thought had never crossed my mind whenever I was around him. And now when Nadia pointed it out, I disregarded it immediately. Playing people was my father's line of work and I knew Aaron was nowhere like my father.

"His father is friends with my dad. They both wanted him to get together with Lahaina. You know, like rich families do to improve their social standing," I explained to her.

"Alright. He also took you out on a date to an art museum and got the paintings delivered early for you?" She asked.

I smiled melancholy at the memory and nodded. Thanks to Nadia, I was in a much better mood. After Aaron's declaration of marrying Lahaina, I had gone straight to Nadia's car.

Unfortunately, she had seen Aaron enter my house and demanded to know what he was doing there. When I gave her the reason, Nadia had tried to go back inside the house and give the 'jerk' a piece of mind. It had taken a lot of convincing for her to let go of the idea.

After arriving at her apartment, I poured my heart out to her. She had listened silently, then without saying a word, had gone to her kitchen to cook me breakfast.

The egg and ham sandwich was now laid in front of me, paired with a cup of coffee, while she broke down the situation to make sense out of it. Sharing my feelings with her had made my heart feel lighter. Her anger at my family and Aaron—she refused to believe his actions were genuine—made me feel happy that I had decided to come to her place.

"This doesn't make sense, Caro," Nadia said, almost on the verge of her very own mental breakdown.

"It doesn't matter anymore, Nad. It's over. He's gone," the last word was almost a whisper, but Nadia heard it.

"It's his loss for being a jerk and not seeing he was trading the world's most wonderful girl for," she searched for a word, "for Lahaina." Nadia made a disgusted face at her name. I smiled at her attempt to comfort me.

"He might have a reason," I told her when I myself did not believe he did.

"Whatever the reason. If he can't take a stand for himself, then he should be out of your life." Nadia's eyes went to the half-eaten sandwich then back to me. "Eat," she ordered.

I picked it up and took another bite, wiping the crumbs off my lips. "You need new and better people in your life, Caro."

My mouth was stuffed with eggs and ham so all I could do was raise an eyebrow in question.

"You don't have a single good person in your life!" She declared, still pacing around. "Your father does not deserve to be called your father. Your stepmother and that Lahaina girl are rotten people to the core. That super-rich Aaron guy turned out to be a jerk. And your cousin is the worst person to exist in the history of mankind."

I frowned at the last statement. "Dylan is nice."

"Don't get me started on that, Caroline, but he isn't the one we are discussing right now. You tell me, what do you plan to do now?" Nadia stopped pacing and turned to look at me with her arms folded across her chest.

She was going to be really disappointed because this conversation was going to involve Dylan. "Dylan offered me to move to California."

"And you are?"

"I don't know. He said I'll be fine there. But I don't want to be a problem for him. I mean obviously, I will get a job and try to move out as fast as I can, but that's not what it is. What if dad goes after him? For all we know, his guards could show up at your door any moment to take me back now. What if me being with him gets him into trouble?" I told her all my worries about that offer.

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