Alpha Jaxon

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Let's just get some formalities out of the way!

All Rights reserved. No part of this work or any of its contents maybe reproduced, copied, modified or adapted without the prior written consent of the author.

All characters and settings are fictional any events and incidents are produced by the author's imagination. Any resemblance to people, dead, alive or events are coincidental.

Don't steal my work that's all I'm saying, if you do then you are automatically suck so get your own creativity. I'm a Taurus and we can hold grudges for a lifetime.

Also if you don't like my book, instead of telling me that you don't like it. Tell me what it is that you don't like. What could I do to make it better? This will help grow as an author more than just knowing you don't like it. Useful criticism is always welcomed. Bullying and negativity not my vibe. You will be cancelled.

But if you do like my book do tell! What do you like about the book and what I should continue! Feedback is appreciated rudeness is not!

Readers please respect each other as well! You all are entitled to your opinion, but don't be arrogant about it.

Alright without a further a due here is Alpha Jaxon Book 1 of the Alpha Series!


"Foolish Alpha's! I told you this bond is unbreakable! I warned you if you did this great power would come, evil powers and you didn't listen!" The Oracle yelled as she pointed her bony finger in our direction.

"You have no idea what you have done what kind of evil you have unleashed! The girl is much more powerful than you all think! She's the chosen of 3! You have ended us all!" She continued yelling pacing in front of us as she whispered to herself. Lighting struck outside the window making us all jump shocked from the flash and thunder. The wind seemed to pick up outside, the trees swayed with the wind; the branches bending at the mercy of the wind. The once clear blue sky was replaced with dark clouds covering the sun from view. The atmosphere darken around us giving me chills that ran along my back. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, something dark and sinister surrounded itself around us. Suffocating us, it held a promise, a dark promise.

"It's happening," she whisper staring at the clouds, horror filling her face. Her body tense as she backed away from the window. Her facial feature changed, she knew what was going to happen. She could sense it, we all could.

My father looked at her frantically. Not fully understanding the situation, the danger that we were currently in.

" What's happening?" He asked. She looks at him and gives him a dark smile. A smile that would chill anyone's soul and with a cackle laugh she stares at us all. Her eyes practical yelled that we did this to ourselves.

" She's here" was all she said.

The White Forest pack and The Blood Rose pack have been at War for centuries. Both packs seeking for the moon prophecy. A prophecy that would reveal 3 of the most powerful werewolves to be born. The prophecy is said to be hidden in the deepest part of the White Woods never to be found until the time comes. Neither pack able to discover the prophecy, ties weakend between the two packs as they becomes restless on finding the prophecy. In order to prevent one of Deadliest Wars in the Supernatural world. The Alpha of the White Forest pack creates a compromises with the Alpha of The Blood Rose pack. A compromise that would stop one War, but start another, much more deadlier than they could ever imagine.


Thanks for giving my book a try! I hope you enjoy the ride with me as your lovely author!

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