Chapter Sixteen

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And now back to the present. If you need a quick refresher ( since its been two weeks;-)), Rachel had woken up and gone with Alice to get some food in the kitchen. The other humans on Magnus's estate that they encountered on the way seemed...less than inviting ( though Kathryn was kinda nice:-)). Well now Rachel gets to officially meet the rest of the human flock...:-)



Rachel spent the rest of the day shadowing Alice. Though she had offered to let Rachel wander when they'd left her home in the morning, the old woman seemed to have changed her mind, instead instructing Rachel to remain close. But Rachel had been more than happy to stay by Alice's side. The angry scowls the other girls had given her earlier were mirrored on the faces of every other human woman she encountered on the estate. Even the sibla workers she passed seemed to eye her with strange looks. It was unsettling. In spite of the beautiful day she felt as if a dark shadow was following her, making her body remain tense, her mind anxious. How could she possibly feel at home here when everyone hated her.

    She was grateful at least for Alice's protection. Every nasty glare and roving eye was quickly averted when the older woman stared down the offenders. Rachel could tell they were scared of her and she could hardly blame them. She was frightened of Alice as well.

She'd seen how the woman had acted when she'd first arrived. How, in spite of her humanity, Alice seemed all too friendly with the sibla man who owned them. But if Alice would act as her protector from the others Rachel had no choice but to trust her. At least for now. Still, somewhere in the back of her mind, Rachel tried to take note of the paths they walked down, the boundaries of the estate. Was it possible she could escape this place? She couldn't help but wonder. But if Alice was to always be at her side she couldn't possibly have the chance to slip away. The whole situation felt hopeless.

    Alice was a busy woman, that was clear enough. Between overseeing the kitchen, the meals Kathryn and her friends served to the others and their Master, and making rounds throughout the estate to watch over the other humans at their work, the old woman paid little attention to Rachel as the day quickly passed. For her part, Rachel did her best to avoid eye contact with any of the others and was glad when Alice suggested they enjoy dinner together in her cabin. Not that she was very hungry anymore, her stomach too filled with uncomfortable knots to accommodate any food, especially as the hour grew later and her formal introduction to the others drew closer.

    "I assume you are finished?"

    The sound of Alice's voice startled Rachel, pulling her from her troubled thoughts.

    "You have been pushing food around your plate for at least ten minutes now," The old woman commented, eyeing her intently. "If you will eat no more we should go and join the others. They should be arriving the slave quarters by now and will be waiting for us."

    Rachel looked to Alice's own plate and saw it was empty. "I..." Rachel began, wondering how she might stall a bit longer. But Alice did not wait for her to finish the thought, standing and clearing her plate.

"If you are hungry later I will find something else for you to eat," she said as she went to the sink to wash the dishes. "You barely touched your dinner, but I can also see the anxiety that plagues you. The sooner you face your fear the better," she commented. "The girls are eager to meet you I'm certain and you are perfectly safe among them. I will ensure that is so. Food will sit better in your belly when it is not so full with worry."

    Rachel stared at the woman wide eyed. How had she guessed her thoughts and fears so exactly? Alice only chuckled at her clear surprise.

    "I am an observant woman, Rachel," she said. "I have spent my entire life watching those around me closely and I make it my mission to be aware of the fears and concerns of all the humans under my care." She placed a comforting hand on Rachel's shoulder. "I know this is all still new to you, but you will adjust. The others will as well. Trust me."

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