#2: Horny At 17: Part Two

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I actually liked part one more, next to the finale, but this couple is fuckin' hot, (not to brag).

With how Kyle said "come on, my bed's waiting." is basically how Trey, (I think that's his name), said "I got a kink in my neck, you can massage it out for me." to Gibb in Freddy vs. Jason. Yes I am a fan.

I believe this was the first mention of someone being tied up.

I never thought of this before but since I never thought about Kyle's sexuality, I guess you could say that he's gay, especially with how quickly he got Jerry in bed, and also with how he kissed a guy in the finale. I just didn't know if he was gay or bi.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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