• E I G H T •

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Natalia sat on the foot of the bed thinking about the things happened last night. Ashton sudden burst out on her and then while crying bitterly she slept on the floor. But when in morning she got up she found herself well tucked in her bed. She knew she doesn't have any habit of getting up in middle of the night nor does she remembers getting in the bed. A part of her knew it was Ashton who had tucked her in bed carefully but then a part of her's didn't wanted to agree on it. Still finding an excuse but it was true if she didn't herself get into bed then it was surely Ashton.

When she checked the other side of the bed it was made up meant no one slept beside her or in clear words Ashton didn't sleep beside her. There were no wrinkles on the bed except on her side. She sighed in relief. The thought of Ashton and her sleeping were giving her wierd feeling in a bad way. If she truly wanted to sleep with someone, wanted someone to pop her cheery than it was Nicholas. He was gone god knows where!!

She found a bag full of ladies clothes she knew it were for her and all those clothes were designer one. The material is not what you see in cheap stores or sales. She read the label on the cloth and her breath hitched. The clothes were from Zurich, the top most designer of New York. She thought of confronting Ashton and telling him not to buy her such costly clothes but, She didn't wanted to see Ashton. Whenever she thought about Ashton guilt seeped into her heart. He was right she and Nicholas were on fault, he wasn't. He didn't knew anything about her. After Nicholas assigned her as his P.A her life changed. She finally felt like she was at peace with Nicholas.

Their constant meetings in office, his flirting, the cheesy lines he used to spoke and the warmth she got from him made her fell for him. The more they met, the more they got close. There was a sudden spark of electricity in her body when Ashton used to try and touch her every now and then or trying to tease her or flirt with her but when the same things Nicholas used to do she felt good, loved, cherished but didn't felt like her body was on fire. She always used to think how could Ashton's one touch can undo her every nerve of her and how Nicholas's touch could bring her every nerve at peace.

She figured:- she liked Nicholas reason he always gave her peace and Ashton was a playboy he knows how to bring a women's body on fire. That's what he does. She hated playboys and that's why she hated more Ashton, he was a playboy. She remembered their fight over Ashton not just one fight many fights.

Nicholas has asked her to leave him cause his best friend like brother likes her and he can do anything for his best friend. She was angry and felt betrayed when Nicholas said he will break up with her so that Ashton can have her. And she hated Ashton more and more. Whenever Ashton tries to touch her she used to throw things, say nasty words or try and slap him and it always angered Nicholas. A drop of tear escaped her eye. She didn't wanted to remember her past specially when it had nothing good in it.

She took out a dress and went in the bathroom for a shower. She liked cold showers cause cold showers bring her body at ease and it her favourite. Cold. If there was any season she loved then it was winter.. Cold. Thinking about cold also brings lot many memories and she didn't wanted to open those memories, those can of worms which were deep buried inside her heart.

Ashton sat on the sofa near with window and looked at the beautiful massive city. Korea specially South Seoul was an amazing place to visit and stay. He liked the city as much as he wanted to stay here he couldn't. He needs to get away from here and be back in New York.

He remembered Nicholas telling him he broke up with Natalia so that Ashton can be with her and it hurted him. He never wanted to take anything of his best friend specially when it involves his heart. Ashton never knew about their relationship so every time when he met Nicholas like a best friend and brother he always used to pour his heart to him.

His always used to tell him his fantasies about Natalia. He never knew when he fell for Natalia but Nicholas saw that in his eyes and broke up with Natalia. When Ashton came to know about the blunder he made unknowingly. He tried to fux it by telling a simple lie that he just wanted Natalia for a night nothing above it.

He said that lie in front of Natalia and Nicholas. Natalia was very much angry and he knew after this lie she would hate him more but his best friend's love will rekindle and he was happy about it. He could die for Nicholas this was just a little sacrifice. It tore his heart when he said that lie cause he knew he had fallen for the women and he was way too much into it.

After that he never came back to New Zealand always stayed in New York and started his office over there. He made least contacts with New Zealand businessmens. The more he stayed away from his friends life the more his heart tear. He couldn't built a home and family crushing his best friend's love.. he just couldn't. He valued friendship more than anything.


After six months of his departure a sudden call tore him to his life. The phone call was from non other than his other best friend Allen but it wasn't what had shook him to life. The news Allen gave broke him in ways he had never imagined. His best friend like brother Nicholas was between life and death and he wanted to Ashton....

Natalia was bored sitting in the room, the room service had dropped the breakfast to her room so she was at relief she didn't have to meet Ashton outside. Her eyes scanned the room and finally she recognised a T.V. it's been ages since she last watch T.V After getting caught by her mother she haven't used a cell phone nor watched Television. She didn't knew anything what's happening in the world.

She went through channels by channels finding something interesting to watch but a news caught her attention. The news gave her the attack of her life. Stream of tears rolled down her eyes she didn't knew what to do. She was at loss of word her mind went blank. Thinking about everything happened in an year and half shook every cell of her body.

Not knowing what to do she ran out of her room and found Ashton speaking on the phone. She rushed to him and stood beside him with heavy breaths and pools of tears streaming down her eyes. When Ashton glanced at her he got alert with her sudden crying. He immediately cancel the call and asked her "what happen..?? Why are you crying...??"

"Nick..." her voice choked and she cried Ashton was afraid he haven't told her anything about Nicholas. He despite wanted to but didn't get any chance.

"What happened...??"

"I saw the news..." she said holding a breath and then looked at him. He eyes held pain and anger.. and it gave her all her answers

"Noo...!! Noo.!!! He can't Die...." she shouted on top of her lungs and collapsed on the floor crying bitterly..

A/N: Hello Lovies!! I'm so sorry for not updating Exams are on head and I hardly get time to write... I'm trying my best will update as soon as I get time... The views are increasing with votes but please comment too and let me know do you like it or not... I revealed the biggest suspense of the book do let me know your feedback. If you love Billionaire's book then go and read AuthorMae book. 'THE BILLIONAIRE'S POSESSION' I've personally read the whole draft you will love it...


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