Chapter 33: Danger Dolls

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Just down the road from Marks house Mycroft's phone went off in his hand; Abbie was calling.

The eldest Holmes answered the phone but the only sound from the other end of the phone was soft music, not just any music but music from a music box.

Sherlock snatched the phone from his eldest brothers hand and listened to the phone carefully as he, John and Mycroft quickly drove to the mansion. Before the car had chance to stop Sherlock and John had jumped out the car, the detective took off into the mansion and began sprinting around the large house.

"ABBIE?" Sherlock shouted. "ABBIE WHERE ARE YOU?"

Sherlock ran up the stairs and began darting in and out of rooms until he went to the top floor... He pressed his ear to the door that led to the room that was filled with dolls and he could hear the soft music playing; He and John got their guns at the ready.

Sherlock nodded at his friend then kicked the door down; The room was very different now.

"Where are the dolls?" Sherlock asked.

The detective looked at the empty room, all that was left was the sofa, the desk that still had bits of material left on it but in the middle of the desk was the music box that was softly playing, inside was Abbie's phone, a lock of her blonde/ brown hair and a little photo. Sherlock picked up the photo and saw it was his daughter and a doll that was her exact copy!

"Where are they?" John asked but got nothing out of his friend. "Sherlock, where would he have taken her?"

Sherlock looked up at his friend. "Call Sherrinford, I want that airport on lock down!" He told John. "That bastard is not going anywhere with my daughter!"


Sherrinford, Jack and Irene were at the airport pushing past the sea of people trying to get where Mark may be. Jack took off an headed out to the run way trying to locate the airplane that could possibly have the dolls on board.

As Jack ran his phone went off in his pocket. "HELLO?" He answered as he ran.

"Jack the dolls are explosive!" Sherlock told him down the phone. "They are not all on one plane!"

Jack stopped then realised. "The dolls are going all over the world," He stated. "They are on all the planes!"

"Just find Mark, he's the only one who will give the orders!" Sherlock told the teenager. "Don't do anything stupid, we'll be there soon!"

Jack cut the call... Soon wasn't good enough!

The young Lestrade found the plane and text Sherrinford with it's location. Jack took out his gun and climbed up the stairs, he began taking down the guards that were on board and in the corner of his eyes he could see the youngest Holmes at the back of the plane with Mark next to her.


Sherrinford and Irene were able to stop any flights from leaving the airport. The two made there way outside...

"We need a plan!" Sherrinford stated.

"Yes we do," Irene agreed then hit the middle Holmes over the head with her gun.

Sherrinford landed on the floor groaning. "You're with him?" He groaned in pain.

The pale skinned witch knelt down in front of the middle Holmes and used her skinny index finger to lift his chin up so he looked at her. "Always have been," She whispered then kissed Sherrinfords lips. "You're little niece is going to get me everything I have ever wanted and more!"

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