Chapter Nine

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"Ouch" I stepped back and winced, feeling the burn seep deeper into my fingertips. Quickly, i ran it under the cold tap. The overwhelming burn woke me up from the trance i was still in from last night, when Evelyn had told me she enjoyed kissing me.

Yet, the dream didn't last long, when this morning she had woken up, memory swiped away like i knew it would have been. Here she stood, swigging juice as she sat on the counter top, watching me cook breakfast.

"Are you ok?" She urged, jumping from the kitchen side and rushing over to me. I nodded as she grabbed my fingers and studied them like she had when she examined my lip yesterday. I couldn't help but smile at how concerned she was. Evelyn was caring and thoughtful to say the least. Something i admired about her deeply.  

"I'm fine. Just forgotten for a moment the pan was hot!" I giggled to myself as she shot me a look. Clearly, my mind was elsewhere and she knew it straight away. Even though this was evident, she didn't bother asking, in which i was grateful for.

Time was something i wished didn't exist. Everything was within the boundaries of time. You can be late, early or specifically on time . Everything was a schedule. Life was complicated like that and in some part of my brain, i wished time was just a piece of mind. I wish it only existed when needed. So one day you could spend all the moments of your day not worrying about when to go home or when your next class is. Then other moments i wished you could go back in time, or further into the future. Perhaps even make it exist when you need to create some type of boundary. 

And then sometimes i feel like my thoughts make absolutely no sense at all.

Yet, here i was, trying to make sense of THIS time. Evelyn was this piece of puzzle that i couldn't quite place. It was confusing, in a way. Or maybe i was just making it difficult to comprehend. In my own mind, i was this lonesome star; placed within the galaxy. She was the burning sun, hot. Between the space, i knew it was impossible to reach her, but somewhere and somehow i knew it was possible, if i tried just enough. Knowing i'll get burnt along the way, but it didn't matter. 

Perhaps love was lunacy, but maybe it's what makes it so special to find.

She lent backward as she found herself again. I knew how she felt, it was confusing not knowing who you were or who you are going to be. I guess if i had to i wouldn't put a label on anything. I mean, jeez we aren't canned goods that have to expire. We were human beings, capable of anything and everything. 

I wasn't sure if last night was something i'd bring up again, due to the obvious reasons. Her being drunk and admitting she liked the kiss was something i'd definitely like to speak about. However, from how she was acting i guessed she didn't remember anything. Or maybe she just didn't want to.

I pulled away too and grabbed the oven glove from the side, placing it over my hand and grabbing the pan. The food smelled delicious as i placed it onto two plates for Evelyn and i to eat.

"I need to talk to you about something" I heard as i sat down at the table, while she continued to sit on the counter side and poke the food i had made. She had something on her mind, which was clear as day. I did too, but i hoped it wasn't the same topic.

"Sure, go ahead." I half croaked. She must have caught on as i gulped hard, knowing there was something bothering me.

"Its about last night. I erm-" 

She was interrupted as the front door shut and keys were heard from the hallway. 

"Hey bud" My father shouted as he entered the kitchen, looking tired after his long night of work. I smiled his way and glimpsed over my shoulder as Evelyn sighed. 

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