twenty seven

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I followed my brothers into the house and waited patiently to ask them their opinion on Matt's text

"Soooooooo" I dragged out the last part "Matt's got to do this project with Abbie for chemistry, he's text me saying he's with Abs, but its a bit cringe that they're only friends and he's already giving nicknames, or am I just being overdramatic?"

Elliott sighed loudly "What is the point?"

I furrowed my brows "Huh?"

"We had a conversation about my opinion on him last night Alexa. If you're doubting yourself then there's clearly something hinting at you that he isn't right" Brandon commented

"But, oh I don't know really" I flopped on the sofa "I just don't like the fact he's spending so much time doing this project with Abbie. Everything seemed good before she came on the scene the other morning"

Elliott patted my back "Aw my baby sis is having her first boy-related issue!"

I glared at him "Not something to be congratulated on, idiot!"

He pushed my head playfully "Respect your elders missy"

I stuck my tongue out "Sorry Boss"

"You will be" he teased

"I don't think you guys understand what I'm going through right now! My boyfriend could be doing anything with that girl behind my back!"

Elliott furrowed his eyebrows "Doesn't sound like you trust him kiddo"

Do I trust him? Of course I do! I don't have any logical proof of why I shouldn't....

"I do trust him, just not her" I spoke trutfully

"See how it goes tomorrow, don't be too quick to say anything though" Luke said

I nodded and thanked them for their mediocre advice, and headed to my room where I messaged Matt, seeing if he was ok

Hey Matt! How's the work going?xxxx

Hitting send, I put my phone on my bedside table and waited for a reply, which almost instantly came through

I'm sorry I haven't been in contact much, I've just been trying to get this silly project done. Abbie is a nice girl when you get to know her!xxx

I didn't know how to respond really, so I just ignored his message and decided to pass some time by watching a film in my room


Matt has got something to hide, and I know it. Something about him just doesnt sit right with me

"Alexa doesn't believe us that he's hiding something, and I think he's got a thing going on with Abbie" I admitted

"She probably doesn't want to admit that she believes it" Corey replied "Can't we try help her?"

"No!" Elliott semi-snapped "She said she doesnt want us to help, she can fight her own battles from now on"

"She's our sister though, I don't want her to get hurt" I admitted

Elliott didn't seem to agree for the most part "No, I don't want her to get hurt either. The thing is that we've tried to help her and make sure she's okay, and she doesn't want it. You do what you want, but count me out on this, there's only so much you can do to help someone until they don't want it anymore"

I guess he has a point, we try to help her and she just closes off. We try to be good brothers and watch out for her, and she yells at us for been too over protective. I've warned her that I think Matt has something to hide, but she just doesn't accept the fact she agrees

"You have a valid point I guess" I mentioned to Elliott

Corey and Luke remained quiet, probably thinking the same as me. I turned to them to ask for their opinion "What do you two think?"

Luke shrugged "I dunno, I do agree with you slightly, but I just want to make sure she's okay"

"Me too, but you know what Alexa's like, she doesn't like to admit when she's wrong, and in this case, she won't admit she's wrong about Matt" Corey added

The guys are at college together tomorrow, it will give Alexa and Matt time to talk face to face. They can discuss their feelings in front of each other and can explain how the whole project has made her feel. It's good to voice how you feel in a relationship, it can allow you to open up and express your position and how the other's actions have inpacted you

"If he is wrong, which he will be, don't wind her up about it" Elliott warned

I chuckled to myself "When she's in a mood, it's funny to wind her up"

"No it's not" growled Elliott "She starts shouting and then arguing, and then she cries and we all 'make up', it's pathetic really; she needs to grow up and learn how to handle her emotions"

The Youngest Of Five (COMPLETED) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu