Chapter 12

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<Not Edited>


It's been a three weeks since my wanna be wrestler husband made me his bitch and smacked the shit out of me.

However the beating and bruises has calmed down since I went to the doctor. He put me on bed rest until my blood pressure lowered.

He wouldn't even let me go hospital, even if I was having contractions, because he was paranoid someone would take me. Me of all people. So he brought a doctor to me, who just closed his eyes and poked my stomach for half an hour.

Thankfully it was only Braxton hicks contraction, as Doctor Poker informed me.

In all honesty seeing my babies for the second time still didn't make them look less than an alien.

Currently I stood with a suitcase waiting for my ride to arrive.

I don't know anything about where my husband goes all day and night, but right now I'm not complaining.

I can't be in this stressful environment with this monster, especially with a baby on board.

A black Range Rover rolled in front of me and the door swung open. "Get in." He said the bright smile that I've become so in love with seeing.

I returned the smile and got my self in the car pulling the small suite case alongside me.

And that was the last time I saw Roman for a long time. However good things never last.

[Couple weeks later]

A knock sounded on my bedroom door. My heart jumped at the taught of it being Roman.

Lexus has told me all about Roman and what type of business he's actually in and I don't really want to be apart of that.

I took a few deep breaths and walked over to the door and sighed in relief as I saw it was just Lexus.

Me and Lexus have become great friends for the past weeks. We are currently living in little cottage far away from Roman.

With his great sense of humour and constant jokes there's no way a person can't like him.

Grinning I opened the door the door wider to let him in. "How's is my fav person in like the hold entire world

I laughed and gently pushed him. "You're such a weirdo."

We this weirdo will like to take you out to dinner. He saw I was a bit hesitant so he quickly add in. "As friends, just a nice friendly dinner."

I shrugged. "Yeah sure. Mama can eat right now."

"I'm sure I can find something I could eat in this very room." He taunted with a wink, looking me up and down slowly.

I shook my head. "You are such a slut." I teased.

"Only for you, my mistress." I kissed my teeth and shook me head.

"Boy get out my room before I smack in in your head." I threatened.

"Kinky I like it." He said in a husky voice, which made me laugh even harder.

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