Chapter 12

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Hi loves! How's life? Hope everything is going smoothly for you. :D

So maybe...2 more chapters? I'm not sure...

Zachary's POV:

"So you mean that once I sign this contract with you, you will immediately invest this amount to our company?" Mr Dennick questioned suspiciously as he stared at the cheque written.

" Of course, Mr Dennick. I'm a man of my words. So...will you sign it or not?" He stared stressly at the cheque, fists clenched tightly into a ball. Is it really that hard to decide?

** - caller unknown

Who called? How did the person get my number? I only give my number to my clients and other important people.

"Mr Knight-"

*buzz...buzzz...* - unknown caller

"Please wait a moment Mr Dennick."

Picking up my phone, I pressed the phone against my ears slowly, not knowing who is on the other side. Better not be some advertisement or shit.


"Oh yes, is this Mr Knight?" A woman's voice came through.

"Yes...that's me."

"I'm calling from the hospital to inform you that..."

No...this is not happening....its April Fools today right? Winter is not...d-dead r-right? I need to see for myself now. I don't believe that she will leave me behind.

They must all be lying to me. Maybe Winter ganged up with them to trick me. Right Winter? You ganged up with them right? Please say yes. Damn it! I feel like I'm having a mental breakdown.

Throwing my phone into the passenger seat, I sped off towards the hospital in a flash of light and ran towards the emergency room like my life depended to it. Well, it is partially true as the love of my life is in there. I need to see her.

Just before I can step into the emergency room, the exact same nurse popped out of nowhere to stop me again. Fucking shit.

"Sir, you can't go in."

"Why not!" Why do they stop me from seeing my girl?! I just want to see her!

"They are trying to revive her now and you being inside will not help at all."

"S-She's alive?" I t-thought they said that s-she's dead?

"Yes...but barely. We lost her thrice and when we thought she gave up already, we called you to inform you. But surprisingly, her heart started beating again. So the doctors are trying to do their best now to help her heart beat harder to ensure that she really lives." Oh my...I lost you three times already...

Tears trickled down my cheeks upon hearing the news. I don't know if I should be relieved that she is still alive or heartbroken as she almost died without me beside her, supporting her.

"So she's not d-dead?" I asked once again to confirm her words. The nurse shook her head as she patted my shoulder and walked away. "Thank goodness..." I swear I will suffer a heart-attack if she suddenly says April Fools. better not give up this time. I still need you to wake up to officially be my wife. You said that you want to have a family with me right? Do you remember? So you have to get up and fulfil your wishes. Got it? Winter? Please...get up...let me see your beautiful eyes again and forever...please...I beg you.


"Sir? Mr Knight? Mr Knight." Huh? Who's calling me?

"Yes?" I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I glanced upwards.

"Ms Winter is out of danger already and now in the intensive care unit-"

"Really? Thanks!" Jumping to my feet joyfully, I sped off to the block where the intensive care units are. Oh wait... running back the nurse shook her head as she laughed at my excitement.

"Young makes one lose their minds. She is in ward 6, level 3."

"Thank you!" Dashing off once again, I neglected the lift and ran up the flight of stairs instead.

"Winter..." I peered through the glass panel and into her ward to see her fragile looking body hooked up to many monster looking machines. Oh my poor poor baby. You don't deserve this.

" You may enter too see her now." The doctor inside announced as he walked out of her ward.

" How is she doc? "

"We managed to save her but whether she lives will all depend on her will to survive."

"Oh...I see...thank you."

"You're welcome."

Should I go in? Walking in still, I sat on the chair beside her bed, staring at her motionless body.

"Will you ever wake up? Come on...wake up please. I'll let you bicker with me all day and night, wack me or anything...just...wake up please. I love you so much that it hurts to breathe without you by my side."

Your hands are so cold...let me help you warm them up. Blowing my hot breath into her small palms, her hands slowly turned warmer before cold again. Why? Why does it keep turning cold?

"Are you cold, Winter? I bet you are. Look at how frozen your hands are...If you wake up, I'll do anything you say. Okay? Winter? You will wake up soon right? Promise me you will wake up soon. Promise me..."  I held onto her hands endearly as I stare love-strucked at her. Please wake up soon my love.

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