Chapter 10: Nana

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The next morning Carmen, Caleb, Helena and I walk to Jerod's house. The reason we waited until morning was because we needed to let Helena's finger heal a bit. As much as she wanted to go after Mr. Harmon that night, we didn't.

We spot Jerod listening to some music while cleaning his car in the driveway. He's listening to Eminem and singing along to his song, "Just Lose it." Jerod loved rap. 

It isn't until I hear ber singing that I see China behind Jerod's car, singing and dancing along to the music.

It isn't until I hear ber singing that I see China behind Jerod's car, singing and dancing along to the music

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China is Jerod's adopted sister that lives in California. I remember Jerod mentioning that she'd visit sometime this year, but I didn't know it would be so soon. I'm sure Jerod didn't know it either. By the look on Jerod's face, I know he is excited to see China. However, his expression changes when he sees us walking up the driveway.

 However, his expression changes when he sees us walking up the driveway

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"Hey, guys!" he says, slowly walking toward us. Honestly, he doesn't look so excited to see us. I don't blame him.

"Hey, Jerod," I say, giving him my best smile.

He points over to China and smiles. "Look who's here." He then looks at Helena and I see he has to look at her twice. "What happened to your hand?" 

Helena places her other hand over it. There are some spots of blood on the medical tape around her hand. Before any of us can explain, China runs over to introduce herself. 

"Nice to finally meet you, Emily." China says. "Jerod always talks about you and Doreen."

I'm sure she just means Doreen and barely me. I smile at her. "Likewise." 

Jerod steps in front of her. "So, what's up?" he asks.

I wait for China to leave. Once she's gone, I explain to Jerod what happened to Helena's finger and the ring. The whole time, he stares at her hand. I can tell that he feels extremely sorry for her. I can tell he is scared, too. 

Helena is fed up with talking. She reaches for Jerod's hand gently. "We need your car to get to Mr. Harmons's house," she says abruptly.  "We can't waste any more time."

"We?" Jerod backs up.

"What she means is-" I step in front of Helena. "Carmen, Caleb, Helena, and I will take the car. You know, if you allow it."

Jerod sighs. "What are you guys going to do? Just walk in, get the ring, and destroy the book?"

"The book can't be destroyed." Helena interrupts. "We have to destroy Mr. Harmon."

Jerod frowns at her. It's an unfriendly smile. I'm sure he is annoyed by her unfriendly tone. He turns to me and his expression changes. It's much calmer now. "What does Doreen think about this? Is she going?"

Out of the blue, Helena stands next to me. She nods and shows Jerod her phone. There are a few text messages between her and Doreen. 

"We're heading to the mansion in few minutes. You in for an adventure?" Helena's text says.

Doreen: "Hell yeah."

The text message was sent out two minutes ago. Doreen saying yes to come should be a surprise to me, but what is more a surprise is the fact she has Doreen's number. I want to ask how, but someone beats me to it. 

"How'd you get Doreen's number?" Carmen asks abrasively. 

"She gave it to me," Helena says before turning to Jerod. "Are we going or not? If so, we have to get Doreen."

"Yeah, but what about China?" he says, looking at her. She's on the porch reading. All of us look at her. Someone so innocent and happy doesn't need to go on a trip like this. "She's supposed to be staying for three days."

"Leave her with your grandmother." Carmen points out.

"No way. My grandmother is sick. She can barely take care of herself." Jerod says. "You guys can take the car but I'm stay-"

Jerod is cut off by China. "Run!" China screams, running toward us. We can't see what she's running from, but we can see that the house door is opening. She runs into Jerod's arms and slowly points toward the front door. I scream when Doreen taps me from behind and asks what we are all staring at. 

So here we are, the seven of us, standing there in the broad daylight, watching that front door open more and more... and more. Jerod's grandmother slowly walks onto the porch. Her head is down and her arms dangle against her body. I've never noticed how stringy her hair is. I wonder if it has always looked like that. She only has strands of hair here and there. 

I stare at Jerod as he slowly walks toward her. She stands on the last step of the porch, just staring at the ground. "Nana?" Jerod whispers as he slowly moves closer and closer. You can tell he's afraid. Jerod stops walking when he sees something fall from her mouth. "Nana?" he asks again.

Doreen walks past us and heads toward Jerod. Caleb holds onto China's hand. "Is she bleeding?" Caleb asks. I step in front of him to shield him from the sight. I'm sure he's seen enough horror.

"Someone call 911! She bleed-" Doreen is interrupted by a piercing scream that is so inhuman that it makes all of us hold our ears. Never have I heard something so horrible. The sounds coming from her throat are so indescribable, so blood curdling, so heart piercing and terrifying, I can't even think straight. Her head begins to crack as she looks up toward the sky. Black liquid pours out of her open mouth. I can't say it's blood, for it's way too dark.

Doreen tries to stop Jerod from getting closer to her, but he resists and grabs his grandmother's hand

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Doreen tries to stop Jerod from getting closer to her, but he resists and grabs his grandmother's hand. "Nana, we're going to get you some help okay?" he tells her.

I watch in horror as Jerod's grandmother looks past Jerod and looks right at me. Her eyes roll back and her sweat trickles down her face. Her skin slides down her face like hot wax. Her right eye widens in a way I can't explain while the left eye remains smaller. She looks like a painting that went very, very...wrong.

Suddenly, she grabs Jerod's hand. 

"Arg! That hurts," Jerod says.

Before I know what's happening, she grabs Doreen's arm. Then Carmen's,  Helena, Caleb's, China's, and mine. All of our hands somehow fit into her hand. Her grip is crushing. None of us can break away. Laughing hysterically, she pulls all of us toward the door. The door opens and slams as we get closer, as though it is excited to swallow us up inside. 

Our screaming and struggles to break free aren't enough. The door opens wide to welcome us inside for our next game.

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