A lover's quarrel

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“Iel the battlemage against Mete.”

                The mage teleported without even batting an eye and reappeared nonchalant, he didn’t even have his staff out in an offensive position. Then the Marilith dropped to the wood floor in front of him. Iel took a step back, he didn’t bother with considering that he may have to kill her to win.

                I lectured Balaufein about killing, but this thing will murder me in a second if giving the chance.

                “Fear and retreating, that is no way to greet your girlfriend.” If Iel was not of mixed race, he would have probably turned white with fear. That fear was broken when she opened all six arms with weapons in them and brought them down to where Iel used to be.

                The teleportation spell brought him behind her, and he tried to put the rapier to her throat as he stood on her back. Then the end of her tail wrapped around his neck and the muscular tail threw him against the wall. His body ached all at once, it was a surreal feeling.

                I have to get up, I have to fight. Or she will kill me. He tried to get back up using his staff as a support. He saw Mete approaching, slithering with that long snake tail. Iel halfway wanted to study a weakness in her form. Otherwise he just wanted her to die.

                Mete stuck one of her weapons into the wall by the blade and picked him up.

                “Do it.” He whispered, as though defeated. She raised the five other arms with weapons in them. “If you strike me,” He said as the weapons closed. “I will have vengeance.” Swords , axes and a hasta pierced his body, cutting vital organs and cutting the muscles in most parts of his body. A white skull appeared over his head, and similar lesions appeared across Mete’s body. Most couldn’t see it, thinking that the curse perfectly mirrored each wound.

                “Vengeance is mine!” A dark voice emanating from the air itself said, it soon revealed itself to belong to a pink skull the size of a man marked with a cursed chakra on its forehead.

                Bal estimated, from under his hood that for each foot of wound that Mete had inflicted, the curse rebounded a nine inch wound. It was a tragic fate for two lovers to die side by side.

                However Iel was not done, he was mouthing the word blood and with his fast failing strength he raised the staff. His blood returned to him and the most pressing of his wounds healed. Bal could no longer sense the magic within Iel.

                “Tell me why I should not kill you, when you repay our relationship with this.” Iel said, lowering his rapier to the dying Marilith.

                “The winner is Iel.” The battlemage turned back to the stage.

                “Do it, you’ve already pierced my heart.” Enraged Iel put back up his hood and cast a spell on the Marilith. She rose again with all of her wounds nonexistent. However he limped, using his staff as a support all of the way back up.

                “Kenlyl.” Balaufein instinctually grabbed one of his scimitars and span to his enemy. When he saw the Marilith despite her being unarmed he darted back. She used the length of her body to circle around him, holding him with six strong arms and let loose her long forked tongue when she spoke.

                “Why did he spare me?”

                “I should stab you for nearly killing your own boyfriend.”

                “Do you want to end up like him drow?”

                “He spared you so I do not kill him.” The drow retorted, edging away from her mouth. She released him and Bal danced away, panting heavily, the cracks of magma in his cloak began to glow brightly.

                “Is this drow, afraid?” The hall went silent.

                “Who has the scimitars, and who not Marilith?” She turned away, lowered her head and slithered off. One of the spectators came close to Bal and he flipped out the dagger and sank it between his eyes with a clean throw. It vanished from the skull of the student and reappeared in his ankle holder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2012 ⏰

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