Chapter 35 - Waitin' for the Train to Come In

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July 1945

After helping Helen, Jonathon took Douglas's hand so he wouldn't fall as he climbed out of the back of the Duesenberg. A few months away from his third birthday, he was now at an age where he loudly insisted on doing things himself, even if they were physically challenging. Jonathon couldn't help being proud his son was already showing a strong character.

"Kitty!" Helen called behind him.

He let go of Douglas's hand and Douglas ran across the train platform. "Aunt Kitty!" he said, grabbing onto her legs.

"Careful, Douglas," Helen said sharply. "You don't want to knock Jessica out of Aunt Kitty's arms!"

"Hello, Douglas," Kitty said with a laugh, adjusting the baby so she could pat his head.

Helen put her hand on Jessica's dark hair while Jonathon greeted Kitty's parents. "Doesn't she look pretty today!"

"Thanks!" Kitty said, straightening Jessica's white lace dress for Helen to admire

They were all in their best clothes, except for Douglas who was wearing his favorite army officer's uniform. Helen had tried to get him in a suit, but he'd objected vehemently while she'd attempted to dress him and she gave up.

The sound of a train whistle sounded in the distance, and Douglas pointed in the direction it came from. "Twain!"

"I know! It's coming," Helen said, scooping him up.

"I want see!" he demanded angrily as she set him on her hip.

"You'll see the train. It's going to be here in just a minute."

Jonathon moved closer to her in case she needed him to take Douglas. They could hear the train coming now, and everyone on the platform turned in its direction. There were a few other families who were waiting impatiently for the train to appear.

Jonathon was surprised there weren't more, but he knew Billy had been on the first transport ship coming back from Europe. As soon as he'd landed in New York, Jonathon had wired him money so he could fly to Chicago, not wanting to wait for him to take the train across the country.

"There it is!" Kitty cried when it appeared from behind a stand of trees, practically jumping up and down.

It seemed like it took an eternity for the train to reach the station and come to a stop. Jonathon searched each window, but he didn't see his brother. A conductor opened the door in the first car and came down the stairs while Jonathon watched the darkened entry with excitement.

A young man in uniform appeared, and just as Jonathon realized it wasn't Billy, there was a sharp intake of breath, not just by his family, but others as well. The soldier struggled to come down the stairs, using a pair of crutches, his right leg missing entirely.

An older couple went to him as he reached the bottom.  The woman hugged him tight, and then began sobbing. The soldier patted her back, appearing embarrassed. "Don't cry, ma. I'm alright."

"Sure you are, son. Sure you are," his father said, but he looked like he was about to cry too.

"Billy!" Kitty yelled.

Billy was coming from two cars away, carrying a large duffle bag over his shoulder, but when he saw Kitty, he dropped it and ran to her. Even though she had the baby in her arms, he grabbed on to her and the two of them kissed with a fervor Jonathon had never seen in public before.

He and Helen were walking towards them, along with Kitty's parents, but they stopped several feet away to give them their privacy.

He and Helen were walking towards them, along with Kitty's parents, but they stopped several feet away to give them their privacy

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