The Night's Worker

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  Instead of responding, the male just focused his gaze on her. He blinked his emerald green eyes a few times, as if he lost himself in a trance. To say the least, it was making her quite nervous, and she found her grip on the metal planes increasing. Granted, she didn't know what she could do with the plane should the man pull a weapon from his grey coat. She could always hit him on the head with one of the planes, but if he had a gun or was skilled in combat, she doubted she could make it to him before being hit. Thus, she kept her ground, but tensed when she saw him reach into his coat.

Perhaps, she could use the checkout counter as cover. Thinking that would do her some good, she slowly inched towards it but stopped upon seeing what the man pulled out. It looked to be a business card of some sort. Giving him a skeptical look, she remained in her spot, as he closed the distance between them. With the card extended out towards her, she set the planes down on the countertop's corner before taking the card from him. She read:

Stock Reporter for The Tinkerer's Treasure,
Call (234) 5555-2341 if needs proof

Well, she wasn't expecting to read that on the card. It was rather strange, but she did feel obligated to call the number on the small card. Besides, this man didn't even have a last name written on the card. Not hesitating any longer, she went into the backroom and over to her purse. Pulling out her phone, she dialed in the number and waited.

Leaning against one of the desks in the backroom, she kept an eye on the man in the main part of the store. He had a rather bored expression on his face, as he stared back at her. It was somewhat unsettling, but at least he wasn't trying anything. When at last she heard someone pick up the phone on the other end, she wasn't expecting the voice she heard. She easily recognized the voice, since she had heard and seen the individual on the news as well as commercials for the toy store; it was the owner of The Tinkerer's Treasure.

Stunned by this, she glanced at the number on the card again, as she was in complete disbelief at this. Hearing the man's voice again, she recomposed herself before explaining the situation to the owner. He obviously sounded annoyed by the call, and he sounded as though he had just woken up. Did she call his personal number? Then again maybe he fell asleep at the company's office. Slightly worried about this, she waited for the man's response. Soon, though, she had confirmation that the green-eyed male in the store was indeed a worker there.

After receiving this information, she heard the man hang up the phone on his end. Following his action, she put her phone away and headed back over to the male before handing him back the card. Once he took it from her, he placed it back in his coat and proceeded to head behind the counter. Her gaze following him, she noticed him take out the list of store items, which contained the information of what had been sold for the day. Next, he took out a notepad and pencil from his coat before making a list of things. Presumably, he was only writing down what had been sold.

"If you don't mind me asking, but why are you writing that information down? Couldn't you just take the list with you, since I'm assuming your job is to report the sells to the company head?" (f/n) questioned, as she picked up the metal planes.

Looking up from his work and over at her, he held her gaze for a few seconds before letting out a slightly annoyed sigh. "No, since the new stock won't come in for about two to four weeks depending on how much was sold. Thus, this sheet will remain until the new items come in."

"Ah, I see. Sorry for asking you," she half-mumbled, feeling embarrassed for asking, since she seemed to have irritated him.

Not hearing any response from him, she turned her back on him and headed over to the window display. She sighed, though, upon realizing that she would need to bring one of the stepping stools over, since the strings to tie the planes up were quite high. Thus, after she pulled the stool over, she began her work with the planes. On the second one, however, she found the string to be higher than the first. Grumbling to herself about this, she stretched her arms to their limit and attempted to secure the airplane.

As she worked on this, she forgot about the second person in the store, who was now leaning against the countertop. Resting his chin in the palm of his right hand, he watched her with a countenance between disinterest and amusement. Abandoning his work for a moment, he voiced, "You're new here, right? Are you sure you're cut out to work here?"

Caught off guard by the male's voice, (f/n) nearly lost her balance on the stool. Not answering him until she successfully tied the plane up, she remained quiet. When she accomplished her task, she stepped down from the stool and replied in a peeved tone, "Is it that obvious that I'm new?"

"Well, you did have to call the owner. So, perhaps you're only new to the afternoon/night shift, otherwise you wouldn't have made the call. Still, I don't think you're cut out to work here. It only took me a second to notice the evident exhaustion on your face."

Listening to his last two statements, she nearly blew a fuse. How dare he question her ability to work, when she single-handedly managed a constant flood of customers today. Honestly, who did he think he was? Crossing her arms over her chest, she responded, "Well, why don't you try to take care of the store during its peak hours all by yourself? Let's see how exhausted you look after answering multiple questions at once, while working on transactions. Moreover, I made sure to watch the customers, so that they handled the toys with care.

"Can you even understand how frustrating it is to be in the middle of a transaction, while a customer tries to take down the window display to get at a certain toy? I mean they almost stepped on one of the wooden soldiers. I had to stop the transaction and pull them down from the display, when they didn't listen to me telling them to get down. Frankly, I still can't believe they were about to ruin a well-crafted toy because of their impatience. Seriously, some people have no respect for toys. Anyway, you try dealing with that and try to not be exhausted."

Personally, she hadn't meant to go on a rant, but his comment had pissed her off. She had waited practically her whole life to work here, and now someone, who barely knew her, was acting like he was much better than her. Calming herself down a bit, she took notice of the slight amusement in his green eyes. Annoyed even more by his reaction, she turned on her heel and headed back to the backroom to retrieve a new doll, since one had been purchased that day.

Before she made it to the backroom, though, the male called out for her to stop. Huffing in frustration at this, she peered over her right shoulder and asked, "What?"

The entertained look in his eyes being gone, he questioned with a more serious tone, "You mentioned that you were the only one who worked the later shift. Did no one by the name of Rochelle come in?"

"No, I mean one of the customers by that name could've come in, but no workers. Besides, Matilda never mentioned someone coming in to help."

"She wouldn't have, since Matilda would've expected Rochelle to come in and introduce herself to you," he answered, looking irritated by this news. "That's the seventh time she's missed work without telling anyone. I suppose I will have to bring this to the attention of the company head, when I report the stock that needs to be refilled. You should get back to work, though."

Nodding at his response, she focused her attention back to the front of her. A partially irked expression still covered her countenance, since he didn't apologize for his earlier comment. It would seem that not all of her coworkers were going to be agreeable. Would she have to deal with this man every night? Hoping that wouldn't be the case, she entered the backroom and went over to the dolls. Picking out one with long and straight snow white hair, she pushed some of the soft bangs out of its turquoise eyes. Furthermore, a pale pink summer dress covered its porcelain limbs, as soft pink roses rested in her hair. Its feet were covered with pink flats, which had clasps going across the top of the doll's feet and white socks.

Handling it with care, (f/n) exited the backroom and headed over to the dolls. Unbeknownst to her, Edgar watched with fascination. Her respect and admiration towards the doll were quite evident in her (e/c) eyes, as she stared down at the fragile toy. Moreover, she carried the doll with such care, as though it was her own child. His green eyes sparkled with delight at the sight. It was rare to see an adult in the store, who held such a great love towards toys.

Once he had seen her reaction to his comment and heard her explanation, he knew that she would fit well in this environment. She wouldn't let some stranger come between the toys and her. Honestly, he couldn't ask for a better sales clerk in this store. Still, the remembrance of the worker, Rochelle, caused the joy in his eyes to fade. He would need to talk to the company head to find a replacement for her, since he couldn't have (f/n) exhaust herself too much, for that would be unacceptable.    

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