Call Ya Later

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One snowy, bitterly cold December night, a woman was driving home alone from a Christmas party. She had not had that much to drink, but she was very tired. The old road she was driving on was very dark and lonely, and it was surrounded by a forest. The woman groaned as she realized she was almost out of gas. She pulled over into a gas station a couple miles down the road. When she went in to pay (no self serve here!), the clerk was acting very weird. He filled her tank, then grabbed her and pulled her off to the side. "There is a problem with your card, and you need to come in so we can figure it out." The lady was scared now, and it didn't help when, after dragging her inside, he pulled a knife. The lady didn't stick around to find out why. She rushed to her car and sped off. In her rear view mirror, she saw him get into his pickup truck and follow her. She was very scared now. Every few minutes, he turned on his high beams, and her car was flooded with light. Eventually, in a last, desperate attempt to lose him, she veered left and then quickly made a screeching turn right, onto the private road that led to her house. It worked. Now that she could relax, she listened to the radio. The announcer informed the audience that there was an escaped convict, who was in for a mass murder he had committed. He was missing his right hand, and in it's place, he wore a hook. She was already scared enough, so tried to ignore this, although she thought in the back of her mind that it may be the gas station guy. Then she remembered: she had to baby sit that night! She hurried home, and when she got out, she stared in horror at a hook hanging from her door. Now she knew it was the gas station guy. She was glad she escaped that guy. She walked inside. "At least he didn't follow me" she thought. She could finally relax. She would put the kids to bed, then call the police and tell them what happened. It wasn't urgent, or so she thought, because she didn't know where he was anyways. When she put the children to bed, she didn't bother to turn on the lights, but she noticed a creepy clown statue." How could you like that? She thought? Oh well, it's their house." When she went downstairs to watch some T.V, she thought she saw footprints besides hers leading away from her car. She was tired, so she ignored it. She forgot all about her little run-in at the gas station. She was just drifting to sleep when the phone rang. Maybe it's the parents, and I can go home soon. At least I live a only few blocks down." It wasn't the parents. An unfamiliar voice spoke to her. "I'm coming to kill you soon." Heavy breathing, then a dial tone. She thought nothing of it, just a prank call. When it happened again, and he replaced "soon" with " in a few minutes" she got scared. "If it's my friends, I'll kill them." A little while later, just when she was getting into the television program, she thought she saw a clown standing just outside her window. She called a neighbor, but they didn't see anything outside the house. "Man, I'm so tired I'm hallucinating" She thought. Not ten seconds after she hung up, the phone rang again. It was the stranger. "I'm almost there" he said. Now the girl was scared. This wasn't one of her friends, they wouldn't go this far with it. She called the police, and informed them of what had happened. The policeman on the other end told her that they would call back after they traced his next call. The girl went to the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife. She was freaked out. She sat huddled in the corner, and completely forgot about the kids. Then, her stomach dropped the phone began to ring. She sat there, staring at it, not wanting to answer it. But she had to, so the police could trace it. " Hello?" she said feebly. " It won't be long now." he said. The girl was scared to tears. The police called. "Get out of the house! Those calls are coming from a cell phone upstairs!" The girl screamed when she heard a door open upstairs, and saw a bloody clown walking down the stairs. She ran out, and down the road, she ran into the police cars. They found the killer, and confirmed that the killer was the escaped one they were looking for. They found a grocery bag with a knife, clown wig, and cell phone upstairs. The kids were dead, with blood splattered all over the walls. The girl realized that the killer was in her car, and that was the reason for the gas station clerk's odd behavior. Those were the killer's footprints, and he was standing right behind her, not outside the window. It was his hook. When they loaded him into the police car, he said, " Call you back later."

That night, at her home, of course the girl was so scared she could not sleep. Then, as she was watching the news, a breaking story came in. "The policemen taking the convicted murderer back to jail were found dead, and the killer was nowhere in sight." The girl started to cry. "Oh no!" she ran downstairs, only to find the door slightly open, and big, clown shoe sized bloody and snowy footprints came into her house. She turned around, and the phone rang...........

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