Chapter One

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The entire book is in the perspective of little Ivy. If otherwise, it will be mentioned before hand. Enjoy:)


"AAAAAAARRRRRRRRHHHHH!" I yell as I run around the corner and make a mad dash for the stairs.

"IVY YOU'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" Dad yells at me, from way too close behind me. I try to run faster as I reach the stairs. Oh no, he's too close. I climbed up as fast as I could, feeling his hands centimeters away from the back of my heels.

"No dad! I don't wanna go to scho-AAAARRGHHH! LET ME GO" I scream at him as he lifts me up into his arms to pull me back towards the kitchen. My shirt lifted as I squirmed and made noises of frustration. Dad took my opportunity of weakness and began blowing raspberries into my stomach.

I guffawed as the few seconds of torture felt like hours. Finally, he set me down on a chair at the table next to my spilled cereal. My laughter died down into giggles as I looked at dad's exhausted expression, but he still smiled. I looked over at granddad as he tried to eat his cereal with just his finger. I handed him a spoon in his hand and guided it towards his breakfast. I turned back towards Dad and he had a distant look on his face.

"Okay Dad, I guess you win today, but I bet I'll win tomorrow" I retorted cheekily, earning a sigh and a small laugh in reply.

"You are never going to make this easy, are you Ivy?" he asked, rhetorically. "Come on, let's go I'm getting late for work too young lady".

"Bye Grandad!" I yelled over my shoulder and we left the house. Dad grabbed my bag and I grabbed my shoes and ran to the car barefoot on my tiptoes.

"Ivy, how many times have I told you to wear your shoes before you leave the house and not in the car?", Dad said as he buckled me into my seat.

"Dad, how many times have I told you that if I wear my shoes before I leave, I can't get to the car fast enough and I'll be late for school" I replied as I laughed near the end.

"Oh really? Because we both know how eager you are to get to school in the mornings" he snorted.

"Yep. Just as eager as you are to go to work Dad" I smirked at my smart answer. I am his daughter after all.

"Hey! I like my work as a matter of fact." he defended, making me blow a raspberry at him.

The rest of the car ride was spent singing along to songs on the radio and pretending we were in a music video of some sort. I stopped after a while just to listen and make fun out of my dad's horrible singing voice. He is such a dork.

"Hey Ivy, you're going to be dropped home with Jake's mum today after school finishes. I have a big day at work and will probably be home late" he explained as we pulled up outside my school. We got out of the car and Dad knelt down and kissed my forehead.

"Okay Dad, I'll see you later then" I smiled at him and patted his head, and started to walk away as I knew he would begin unnecessary lecturing.

"Take care of Grandad when you get home. And behave at school today please! I don't want to be coming here on an important day of work Ivy Rodman!" He yelled as I walked further and further away from him.

"Okay Dad! I'll help myself to lots of cookies but only because you REALLY want me too!" I yelled back with a snicker. The look of misery on his face only made me more amused by the situation as I entered the school doors and soon Dad was no longer visible.

I walked into the classroom and set my bag and coat down. When I looked up, I saw Arthur, my best friend, sitting on his own beside the bookshelf and colouring in. I smiled, excited to talk to him as I was like every other day. I ran around quickly to get my things sorted and jogged over to my friend, sitting beside him.

"Hi Arthur, whatcha doing?", I asked. He looked up at me, slightly startled, and gave me half a smile.

"N-nothing, I'm just colouring in", he mumbled.

"Euuurghhh! Arthur is sitting next to a...a girl!", I heard someone exclaim.

I frowned, looking up to see it was Edward. Edward the idiot.

"Says the person who doesn't even have any friends", I argued, standing up face to face with him.

I looked at him directly in the eyes, not blinking and daring him to carry on. It seems as if Edward once again had nothing better to do except bully Arthur.

"I do have friends, actually. Jace is my friend", he said smugly, gesturing towards his sidekick who stood next to him.

Raising my hands, I pushed Jace's shoulders with all my might, throwing him backwards and onto the ground.

"What friends?", I grinned, crossing my arms and challenging Edward once again. "I don't see any friends".

He looked between me and his fallen sidekick in shock, not sure of how to react. A crowd was beginning to gather as bunches of kids from my class saw the commotion. Arthur's hand was placed gently on my arm, and so I turned to face him.

"The teacher's probably going to be back soon. Let's just go", he whispered, clearly scared of the both of us getting into trouble.

I barely had any time to respond as hands grabbed my hair and yanked me backwards onto the ground. I let out a small shriek in shock, thankful when I was released from Edward's grip. Looking up, I saw that Arthur was the one who'd intervened and was holding the enemy against the wall.

As I stood up, Arthur was pulled away from Edward by his other friend Jace.


I ran towards Jace and jumped on to his back, sounding my continuous battle cry in rage and thrill. He was immediately knocked on to the ground by my added weight and had landed on his face. Seconds later, he had begun crying as he stood up from the floor. He cupped his nose with both his miniature hands, trying to hold the flowing blood which leaked from his nose. My mouth opened in shock. I'm in so much trouble now.

I winced as Jace ran out of the classroom, crying for his mum but looking for our teacher. Turning back around, I glared at Edward with the most threatening look I could conjure. He gulped, breaking eye contact, and then proceeding to run off in the same direction as his sidekick.

"We are in so much trouble", Arthur mumbled from beside me. I began biting my nails, something I did when I was either worried or guilty. In this case, I was feeling slightly guilty. Arthur was about to get in trouble for a fight I'd started.

"Me. Only I'm in trouble, okay? You say anything else to the teacher and I won't talk to you for an entire day", I dared. He gasped, nodding his head in agreement to my terms. I smiled at him, hugging him to reassure him because I knew he was a bit scared. Arthur was my very innocent friend.

"Ivy Rodman!"

Breaking off from my hugging, I turned to see it was my teacher, Mr Allen, looking very red in face. Is that steam coming out of his ears?

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