Chapter 16

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Sylvia let out a long yawn and stretched out her arms slowly. Almost immediately her back seized up with stiffness and pain, causing her to flinch and let out a groan. Remembering about the lashes brought her back to the reality that was her life, and finally pulled her away from her slumber altogether. After all, she had work to get back to. If Jana found out she had snuck out then there would be no end to her troubles! Sylvia sighed and reached behind to rub the aches of her injuries away, but she found that her dress was completely torn apart, exposing her bare skin and cuts.


Her eyes flew open all the way as she jolted upright in her spot. She gasped as an unfamiliar set of surroundings met her. She saw dark rocky walls, a dirt floor, and nothing more than a dim glow of light coming from the opposite end of her. Was this ...a cave? What on earth!?

Just then, before Sylvia could even finish processing where she was or how she had gotten there, a large pair of flaming red snake eyes met her gaze in the cave's darkness. She froze, watching as the unimaginably large monster let out a gust of hot breath from before her. It glowed orange like a fire from its nostrils and mouth, showing her a shadow of its sharp teeth with every breath it took. The memory of the scaly beast back in the forest with Keil hit her mind, causing a terrible fear to form.

What was going on!? What was this thing? Where in the world was Keil? Had it eaten him, only to make her its next victim!? Oh god!

Sylvia wanted to scream for help, or to jump up and take her chances at running away, but her voice and strength failed, with a pathetic whimper coming out in reply instead. The beast reacted with a deep growl, making her whole body vibrate as it craned its head closer to smell her. She tried to back herself back up against the wall, but the monster only leaned in closer, poking her skin with its barb like scales as her whole body trembled with fear.


She suddenly collapsed to the ground, unable to hold herself up against the beast any longer. The monster backed away and opened its mouth ever so slightly, revealing the true length of its massive set of teeth.

Please, please! Stop!!

Sylvia closed her eyes as its tongue came towards her slowly, dreading the fate that was soon to come. Being eaten by a hideous looking beast ten times her size? She certainly never imagined a death like this! Now, seeing as there was no way out, all she could hope for was a swift and relatively painless end. Surely this life, which had been cruel enough to her, owed her at least that much.

"Finna?" A deep voice echoed.

Sylvia's eyes flew open with new hope and desperation.

"Help! Help me please!" She screamed.

The beast growled back loudly, causing her to shout again. Tears ran down her frightened face, her soul begging this unknown stranger for rescue, though she knew it was hopeless.

"Finna nyo!" (Finna stop!) The person shouted, suddenly running into the cave with them.

Sylvia's heart skipped a beat, recognizing the voice and figure who appeared before her. How surprised she was to see Keil standing there, looking plenty alive and well.

"Nyo! Frya, Finna!" (Stop! Go, Finna!) He shouted, shooing at the large beast before her.

The monster gave a sad growl, but oddly, seemed to do as instructed. She watched with pure shock as it backed away from her altogether, with nothing more than a few shouts and fierce hand gestures. The beast continued to be ushered back towards the cave exit where it eventually sat down in defeat. Then Keil returned to her, an apologetic look on his face and a deep worry in his red eyes.

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