Chapter 8

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Killian's POV

I dont know how Emma does it, but my kids love her and she has given me an idea for when my wife comes back. Im thinking a family trip to New York.

"Hey Killian I got what you needed." Robin says walking in.

"Thank you." I say.

"Why didnt you just have Emma get you the diapers or get them yourself?" He asks.

"Oh I let Liam the car and Emma is out on a date with Neal." I say.

"Have a nice night." He says.

After he left about a half hour later Emma came back.

"Swan your back early. Why?" I ask.

"I just wanted to come back Neal isnt quite my type." She says.

"Well Im sorry it didnt work out." I say.

Emma's POV

Now its been another month and Killian's wife was on her way back to them. I got my stuff and luckily for me Mary-Margaret and David were come to get me so I put my stuff in their car.

"Do you really have to leave Emma?" Sienna asks.

"Yeah I do, but dont worry your mom comes home tonight and you all get to pick her up." I say.

"But I dont want you to go." Sofie says and hugs me.

"Its going to be okay." I say to her.

"Are leaving because you dont like us?" Layla asks.

"No sweetie. You guys are the sweetest girls in the world. I will miss you so much." I say to her.

"Okay girls Lola is awake its time to pick up your mother." Killian says.

"Well I better go. You girls be good now." I say to them.

"Thank you so much for all your help. Swan it means alot. If you want maybe to come back if she leaves again will you?" He asks.

"Yeah I would. Goodbye girls and goodbye Killian." I say and walk out.

Killian's POV

Its been two months since Emma has left and Milah had came home and things were different. Sienna stopped talking to her new friends and she wont tell me why. Sofie has been pick on and wont talk about it. Layla went back to playing tea party alone. As for Lola she hasnt spoken since Emma left.

"Killian whats this?" Milah ask holding up a baby blanket.

"Oh that. Emma gave it to Lola and ever since Lola hasnt woken up much in the night. She loves it." I say.

"Threw it out." She says.

"Didnt you hear me? It helps Lola sleep." I say.

"I dont care what it does. I dont want a trace of that woman in my house." She says.

"Milah, Emma was just helping me out when you were away. This is to help out daughter." I say.

"If you wont get rid of it or I will." She says.

I took it back and looked at it and went upstairs and gave the blanket to Lola so she can sleep.

"Daddy, I miss Emma." Layla says.

"Me too, I miss Emma so much." Sofie says.

"Yeah I miss her too she was so nice to us and spent quality time with us individually." Sienna says.

"Killian! I told you to get rid of this." Milah says holding the blanket and Lola was scream in her room.

"Milah I told you it means alot to her. Anyway how about all of us go for a rode trip to New York?" I ask.

"Well I cant Killian I told you this weekend I going to London to see if they liked my work." Milah says.

"Right maybe another time." I say.

I took the blanket from her and went to go get Lola.

"Daddy, we want to see Emma." Layla says.

"Girls Emma lives about 4hours from here." I say.

"Rode trip to Emma." Sofie says.

"You guys really want to see Emma?" I ask.

"Yeah we really do." Sienna says.

"Okay pack up somethings we are going to see Emma." I say.

The girls packed up and I packed up things for Lola and myself. I got Emma's address from Regina who got it Mary-Margaret. We said goodbye to Milah and we were headed to see Emma. It would be nice to see my girls happy again. Thats the only reason Im going to make them happy.

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