Chapter 18: Reward

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"Lyanna is fighting for Robb Stark." Joffrey took of his coat. "What kind of man let a girl advise him during war?"

"A stupid man." Cersei answered.

He faced her. "My men are cowards. Couldn't catch a stupid little girl!"

"We don't need her. Let them have her." The woman gestured. "Your grandfather-"

"Grandfather only cares about defeating Robb Stark." Joffrey accused. "Lyanna was my prisoner, I want her here! She killed my men, she threatened her King."

Shivers traveled Cersei's body, her hands started to shake. She didn't dare to open her mouth, she knew her son, she knew what he was capable of.

"I will put Lyanna at reward."

"What?" Cersei spat.

"That way we will get her back faster." Joffrey promised.

"Reward? So Lyanna will have murderers, rapers and drunkards after her?"

"Maybe that way she will learn to never ran again." The boy finished buttoning his coat. "I want her here for my wedding."

The King passed past his mother, only to have her pulling him by his arm. His eyes were cold ice, staring at her green ones, full of anger.


Cersei stopped him from talking. "You know what will happen if you do this. Lyanna is better of with the wolves-"

"Don't ever touch me again." Joffrey freed himself. "She belongs here. She will come back to where she belongs."

The boy walked away from her.


Lyanna thought funerals were horrible since the moment she witnessed her first. It was stupid, and pointless. It wouldn't make up for the fact that the person they loved, is dead. Just like that, gone forever.

And there's nothing people can do to bring them back, to hug them one more time before the time comes. Not funerals, not yelling, nothing can make up for the fact that we've to live the rest of our life with a empty hole in our chest.

No one said war would be easy.

"Are they well treated?"

Lyanna drew the woman's attention.

Talisa had just left the Lannister's cell, two children, afraid to die at the hands of the Wolf.

The nurse smiled. "As well as I could, My Lady."

"Please call me Lyanna." The black haired insisted. "Walk with me?"

"Of course."

Both walked away from the guards at the door, but Lyanna's men were still following her. Sometimes, she forgot she was her brother's prisoner.

"They are just children." Lyanna muttered.

"They are very scared." The other agreed.

"Poor innocent children paying for their family's mistake." She cried.

"Robb won't let them go." Talisa stopped walking. "Not after the Kingslayer."

"I can't let these two go." Lyanna swallowed. "Robb would hang me for treason."

The King's wife grabbed the girl's shoulder while cupping her left cheek with the other hand. A smile found it's way to her lips.

"Your brother loves you." Talisa whispered. "He is just hurt."

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