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The next morning we were woken by the guards banging on the cell doors.

"Breakfast in ten!" The man shouted.

I rubbed my eyes and woke up to Danny smoking, his arms hanging from the cell doors.

"Hey what about me?"

"Under the bed." He replied not looking back.

I jumped off the bed and crouched down under the bed. I grabbed the little box. Inside there were plenty of cigarettes and matches. I grabbed one, lit it then threw the box on the bed. I took a drag and exhaled the smoke from my nose, it felt good, and my nerves were at ease.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Just peachy."

"Are you mad at me or something?"

He turned around revealing his black eye.

"What happened to you man?" I asked.

"George and his friends were looking for you."

"That looks bad, didn't they take you to the infirmary?"

"Nobody gives a damn about the scrawny computer nerd. Look around you." He threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.

"Danny I-I'm sorry. I-"

"Forget it, I'm over it." He sighed. "So where have you been?"

"Sick." I replied taking another long drag.

"Yeah sure like I didn't hear the part about you falling in love last night."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I looked around.

"Yeah okay Mr. Nice guy."

I sat on the bottom bunk taking another drag.

"Danny, have you ever been in love?"

"With my PC 300 yes."

"I'm serious."

"Take a look, do I look like the appealing type?"

"Doesn't mean you can't fall in love."

"Why the sudden interest?"

"I guess I don't know. It's the nicotine talking."

The gates made a ringing sound then slid open. The prisoners began walking down the hall to the cafeteria. I put out my cigarette as the guard walked pass our cell.

"Let's go you two."

We walked out the cell into the cafeteria. We got online and they served us eggs, bacon, coffee and toast. Surprisingly it wasn't bad, we took a seat by the edge again.

"I wish they served us breakfast all the time instead." I said with my mouth full.

"This is the best part of the day."

As I was eating I looked up to the second floor hall and Alysha was walking down the hall. She had a black dress on and her glasses, this time her hair was straight. She quickly disappeared down the hall and I finished my breakfast. They let us outside for a break, it was a sunny day. Danny and I sat down by the bench.

"Newspaper?" He handed me.

"Where'd you get this?"

"One of the guards must've left it in the bathroom, it's from about two days ago I think."

I opened up the newspaper and glanced through it.

"Local Park celebrates the rebuilding of the playground, making it safer for the children." I read aloud.

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