Chapter Nineteen

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Ashton's Pov


I growl ruthlessly at the rogue that was currently trying to intimidate me with a growl of his own.  He's just a small thing too, not exactly sure why he thinks he's so scary...

I wait until he thinks he has an advantage before going in for the kill. I easily lunge and grab his throat between my teeth before squeezing impossibly hard, killing him instantly.

I drop the now dead rogue in the grass in front of me before turning and assessing whats happening around me. 

My pack is fighting off the rogues expertly, fighting for a moment before ultimately killing they're opponent and moving on the next. I find a smaller pack member that seems to be struggling slightly with a larger wolf and run towards them.

I bulldoze into the wolf that has one of my pack members pinned to the ground, effectively making him loose balance and tumble a couple of times. He's quick to regain his feet though, making me wonder how experienced he truly is at fighting.

I stand protectively in front of my wounded pack mate who is currently struggling to stand up on a broken leg. Releasing a menacing growl I wait for him to make the first move. He seems to want me to move first though and we end up circling each other for a minute or so before he finally decides to move.

He makes a rookie mistake and lunges for my throat right off the bat rather than wearing me down by injuring me. I quickly dodge him and bite his leg, effectively snapping it. He falls to the floor and whimpers while thrashing around.


I'm about to just kill him by biting his throat but I'm cut off when a feeling of sorrow washes through me. I immediately know its not mine, as my wolf never feels sad about making a kill, the only other option is Madeline.

I quickly look up and look around me trying to find her. How stupid can I possibly be? I didn't even think to make sure she was safely in the shelter, she could be being kidnapped by a rogue right now and it'd be all my fault!!

My thoughts are cut short when I find her across the field staring down at a dead body. I already know just by looking at the scene that she feels sorry for killing the wolf that now lies at her feet. 

Without a second thought I start running through the chaos towards her, I ignore the bites or the claws that catch me in my sides as I run, only focusing on getting to her so that no rogue can take advantage of her distraction.

It doesn't take too long to reach her and when I do I start nudging her towards the pack house, trying to communicate through my actions.

She seems to understand what I want but refuses to move, instead just growling at me and holding her ground.

I in turn release a large growl of my own so she knows I'm not messing around but the fear in her eyes and the small bark she releases informs me that there is a rogue behind me. I quickly turn around just in time for him to bite my right shoulder making me twist slightly to the side.

I hear Madeline whimper behind me but I ignore her and focus on the rogue in front of me so he can't have any sort of advantages.

I shake off the pain, which with the adrenaline isn't hard to do, and quickly reach out and bite his leg. 

We continue on like that for a while before he finally makes a mistake and lunges for my foot. I quickly move out of the way, causing him to be off balance. I use the advantage and lunge at him, knocking him off his feet, and take his throat between my teeth.

I quickly kill him and turn back to Madeline... Only to find her not there.

I look around quickly - only to find her on the back of a rogue acting like some bull rider in a rodeo.



Hey guys, so this is basically somewhat the same type of chapter that I uploaded yesterday but its just in Ashton's Pov. I'll probably keep it this Pov for another chapter or two but I'm not sure, I haven't done an Ashton Pov for a while so yeah. I plan on updating another chapter today before my volleyball game but no promises (:

Hope you all are having an amazing Thursday, for those of you who have school right now do you guys have early release? Where like for me we get out at 2:30 on regular days and on Thursdays we get out at 1:55? Anyone have those? If you guys are having an awesome Thursday maybe you could spread the love and vote and comment? Maybe even follow me? <3

-Skittles 💋

To be beautiful means to be yourself, you don't need to be accepted you just need to accept yourself.

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