Chapter 1

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"I killed Vanessa."

These are the words I just heard from the room my Alpha, Trent, is in currently. The one that spoke those words are from Trent's cousin Steven, an Alpha from the Blood Tribe pack.

Now this isn't such a big deal, right? Except only it is. Because everyone knows who Vanessa is. She's another Alpha's mate from the North, Alpha Paxon, that was supposed to be soon-to-be Luna until she got brutally murdered and that news spread like wildfire. Investigations on to who killed her were going on, and Paxon said he'd kill the wolf that murdered her.

So here we are. With my worst timing possible. All I was going to do was give my Alpha some paperwork about moving out the pack temporarily for college.

Hearing those words made me want to run and pretend I never heard them. Something like this a serious offense, and I know my own Alpha had something to do with Vanessa's murder.

 I swallowed, turning around to pretend I heard nothing and carry myself home. I'd think about this later and tell my best friend what to do.


I groan inwardly and I pause mid-step. Why is it when you're trying to be the most quiet you end up being the loudest?

With super wolf hearing, both Alphas turned their attention to where I was trying to make a run for it.

"Ava!" my Alpha's voice boomed. That's when I bolted, not thinking of anything but going to escape.

"Get her! Call the guards!" Alpha Steven yelled after me. 

I needed to get the heck out of here.

My heart was racing as I ran into the woods where the pack patrol wouldn't be at. My dad being a patrol officer came in handy today. See? Everything totally happens for a reason. Here I thought my dad's job was useless. Since I don't have a wolf and can't shift like every other wolf in my pack, I had to run. Logically, I won't be able to outrun anything, but if I got a head start it wouldn't hurt.

Running as fast as I can to where town was to get an Uber, I see a text from my dad, mom and sister. And like a hundred missed calls too. I guess I could reply: sorry guys! I think I'm going to die!

Except when a text from my sister Lisa scares me even more. Lisa: Ava what did you do exactly for the Alpha to say you committed treason and were to be bought alive?


I blocked my mind link so my Alpha can't know where I am or be in my head, so I can imagine why my parents are angry.

Forget dying by the Alpha, my parents will do the job for him!

I hope no one believes in the Alpha. By no one I mean my family and my best friend Julia. Everyone else in the pack isn't going to question the lying Alpha.

As I'm running for my life in these familiar woods, I wish for the millionth and one time that I could shift into a werewolf.  It would have been so useful right now. White wolves were so overrated. Honestly, if I had a white wolf, I wouldn't even use it. All white wolves are, are albinos. They're not special even though everyone makes them out to be. My sister is one and people think she's the next best thing since sliced bread. She's not here to save the world or anything because I've seen her try to do track and she busted her face.

Like a mad woman, I'm out in the streets which was the quickest way to the nearest town, and check my phone which is at 15% battery. Seriously, Apple needs to do better. Especially in situations like these where I need my phone or it'll cost me my life. The Uber driver is coming by my favorite froyo place which is the first location I thought of, and I almost cry when I see her car coming towards me.

My driver stops in front of me, and I get in the car panting hard, "Just go way far away from here please!" She doesn't even ask me anything, but hits the accelerator.

After a few moments of silence, she asks me, "Are you alright?"

I snap my eyes out of the window and swallow thickly, "No." She glances in the rearview mirror and smiles.

"If you get cleaned up, I'm sure you'll be okay." If only she knew. I'm still shaking and I haven't calmed down. How I managed to do this was beyond me, but seeing the car get further away from where the pack lives was refreshing. Plus, my phone died in the nick of time at 14%.

My mind if racing a million miles a minute. I wonder if the Alpha is going to do anything to my family? The thought alone makes me want to go back. But they don't know anything. My family is the innocent one in all of this.

"Um, do you know any hotels around here?" I ask her.

"Sure thing, I'll just exit right here and you can stay there," she says.

That's when I realize: money. I have none. Shoot. Shoot. Crappity crap sticks.

I run my hand through my face. How could I be so dumb and not realize? Money is so important out here in the human world. Without money, you're gone. Done for. Homeless.

Maybe I can request sanctuary in a pack?

Where am I even?

"We're here," she says cheerfully, turning around. We make eye contact and I open my mouth to tell her that I have no money, and she raises a hand. "You don't have to pay."

"Ohmygosh," I rush out, "thank you so much!"

"You look like you've had better days. I also think you don't have any money for the motel or food so..." she digs in her wallet and pulls out a whooping $200.

My eyes widen. "I can't take this-"

"Nonsense. Us women have to look out for each other, you know?" she asks me, winking, and forcefully handing me the money. 

I almost cry, "I appreciate this so much." There are good people in this world. You just have to be in the worst situation to maybe find them.

I get out of the car, and realize it's dark, so I must have been driving for at least an hour or so. Hopefully far away from the two Alphas. My Alpha- Trent- is known to be tough. I know he's trying to gain land with his cousin AKA the murderer Alpha Steven.

That's when a brilliant plan hits me.

I have to tell Vanessa's mate, Alpha Paxon of the Blood Hound Pack about this. He can grant me sanctuary in his Pack. Only thing is : who was I to say anything against an Alpha? Other Alphas usually respected another. I'm literally a nobody. I'm not even a werewolf! My wolf hasn't come out yet, and usually they do when you reach puberty. I'm 19 now.

My sister said I was defective. Julia jokes I'm adopted, and I would have believed her if I didn't have my father's hazel eyes. 

I sit on the curb of the sketchy motel parking lot, and my stomach growls. I haven't eaten since breakfast, and all I ate was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I wanted something like a cheeseburger with extra fries and chocolate shake.

My stomach growls just thinking about it. I frown because I never forget to eat. Who forgets to eat? Food is great. I love food. I dig into my pocket, and I know how much that nice Uber lady gave me was definitely enough for food. After I eat, I'm going to make another run for it to get as far away from where my Pack is as possible.

I get up and decide that's my plan for now when I see something.

No, not something.


Two people. Heading straight to me.


Tell me how it was!


Gossip Girl

The Demon Alpha (Stryders #1) - PUBLISHEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin