9: Trouble

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I was slammed against the wall in a millisecond, making me clench my jaws in pain.

Looking up, my eyes slowly rose to meet the eyes of Roderick. "What the hell are you doing, Roderick?" I screeched, resting my palms on his hard chest.

Before I could even push him away, he gripped my wrists in his iron grip and tilted up his lips into a smirk.

"Gigi often do that. You are her, right?" He said, looking at me in confirmation.

Rolling my eyes instead of showing him that I feared of the truth being revealed, I murmured, "For the hundredth time, I am not her."

This earned a low and dangerous chuckle from him while my shoulders went rigid.

What the f*ck was he going to do next?

The back of his hand caressed my left cheek as he sighed. "You aren't going to admit, are you?"

"Why should I admit something that I am not?" I retorted back, smiling sweetly at him like how Gigi would, hoping to confuse his mind.

If I could succeed in confusing his mind, I will have to think of my next step. Even if that means transferring school.

I can't bear having my secrets leaking out for the whole school to learn about it.

I just can't.

Just as I was about to push him away and escape, his collar was suddenly yanked to the back as he was pushed to the ground.

Gasping in fright, I looked up to be met with the familiar hazel orbs. A mix of anger and worry was visible on his face as he stared at me.

A groan attracted our attention as we looked towards Roderick who was glaring at Chase.

Gripping my wrist, he pulled me along with him as we ran out of the school.

Momentarily, it was as though the world had stopped around us as I slowly took in the sight before me.

His head whipped to the back a couple of times to check if Roderick was chasing after us before his eyes rested on mine, his hazel orbs softening slightly.

We ran for god knows how long before we finally reached a house. Stopping dead in my tracks, I looked up and observed the house as I panted for breath.

It was a two-storey house coated with the color brown. Digging his keys, he opened the door and entered with my wrist still firmly gripped by his fingers.

I lingered on the doorway, afraid that he had other intentions for bringing me to his house.

He seemed to have noticed as his brows pulled together into a frown. "I promise I won't lay a finger on you." He said, pulling me into the house.

I moved my legs to move and follow him until we reached a bedroom which looked like pigs had lived here before.

Pinching my nose at the stench, I glared at him as I yanked my wrist from his grasp.

"Is this your room?" I asked, grunting in frustration. He merely nodded, rubbing the nape of his neck in embarrassment.

Sighing, I slowly tip-toed my way past the stinking socks and dirty laundry. "Don't you ever do housework?" I asked again, my eyes scanning the place.

"I don't. I live alone." He simply stated. I turned around to see his eyes narrowed on something as his shoulders went rigid.

"What?" I asked, frowning at his intense stare on something which was apparently my back.

His eyes met mine with a flash of guilt. "Your wounds reopened."

At his words, my fingers slowly climbed up to my back as I touched it gently. Wincing at the pain, my fingers made contact with warm liquid as I sighed, once again.

"It's fine. This is not the first time either."

"No, it's not." He said with creased brows, moving towards the end of the room as he grabbed a first aid kit from a wooden shelf.

He sat me down on the edge of the bed as he slowly lifted up my blouse, exposing my bare skin.

A cooling liquid made contact with my wounds as I gritted my teeth in pain. Clenching the duvets, I closed my eyes as he repeated the same step before wrapping a bandage around my abdomen.

Instead of pulling down my blouse, he removed it from my head as he walked towards his wardrobe, rummaging through the rack.

His eyes found mine as he threw me a large shirt with a pair of boxers. As if on cue, I marched to his bathroom and changed into the clothes he had given me.

As I exited the bathroom, my eyes found his as he was laid on the bed, waving me over.

I complied and laid down beside him while staring at the white ceiling. Why had he brought me to his house and why had we even ran away from Roderick in the first place?

Questions were entering my head and only he could answer them.

"I know you have questions. Ask away."


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23rd August 2016

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