Chapter Thirty-two

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Song: "Cry Me A River" by: Justin Timberlake


I tossed and turned in my bed

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I tossed and turned in my bed. My eyes were open and burning with tired. My eyes drooped but sleep couldn't come to me.

I sat up and frustratedly ran my fingers through my face. My heart ached to be near my mate for some reason but I chose to ignore it.

My head hit the pillow once again and after twenty more minutes of trying, I couldn't sleep.

"Dammit!" I groaned and tiredly rubbed my eyes. My mind was elsewhere making it difficult to think of nothing. I kept thinking about the rogues, the hunters, my family leaving, the confusing feelings I've been beginning to feel when Parker's around and the sudden urge to kiss him breathlessly. I didn't know what to think about that.

My wolf kept putting images in my head that had me wanting him. I tried thinking of other things but my thoughts would drift back.

The sound of my door creaking had my eyes darting towards the door. A tall silhouette stood there and the smell of my mate filled my nose.

I sat up in my bed and stared at him. He closed the door behind him and walked towards my bed. I noticed he was wearing only pajama bottoms, not shirt. My eyes drank in his muscular chest and broad shoulders. His hair was messy and he looked exhausted. The moonlight made his tan skin glow and his eyelashes casted shadows on his cheeks.

"Can't sleep?" I asked him.

He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. "No, I couldn't," he replied. His eyes watched as I laid back down on my bed and pulled the covers up to my chest.

He stood there for a few moments before whispering, "Can I sleep here with you?" My eyes widened a little. I scooted over a little to give him space. He took that opportunity to get on my bed and climb under the covers. Heat radiated off of his body.

The urge to kiss him grew at the moment because of his presence next to me. The fact that his chest was naked didn't help. I turned to lay on my stomach and turned my head away from Parker. I pressed my legs together and clenched my jaw, practically begging for sleep so these horrible thoughts would go away. Irene wasn't even helping.

Parker shifted until I felt him hovering over me. "What are you thinking about?" My breath hitched as his warm breath fanned my ear. His body pressed against mine and his elbows rested beside my head.

"Nothing," I managed out. He growled lowly in my ear at my response. "Sure doesn't smell like nothing," he whispered and I shivered as his lips grazed my ear as he spoke.

A part of me wanted to push him off of me but the other part wanted more. I whispered back, "Why ask? You probably already have an idea."

My hand reached out and gripped onto Parker's wrist. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to the inner side of it. I could hear Parker's heart beat quicken at the action and he sucked in a breath.

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