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Please don't be a ghost reader! I love reading your comments about my story and your opinions.

(Y/N) woke up and her head filled with memories from the night before. After hearing him say the words that hurt her; she cried, she didn't stop crying. He stared at her and then hesitated before walking out of her room, leaving her to fall asleep on her bed.

The girl frowned at the thought of last night and went to have a shower, washing off all the dirt and dried blood. Doing this simple everyday human thing was tough for her. When the water made its way into her cuts it stung so badly.

"Are you ready for breakfast?" A henchman walked into (Y/N)'s room and looked at her. He looked rather young, maybe just a year older than her. He was very attractive, "You look nice," he smiled, "Joker is waiting for you."

"T-Thank you." (Y/N) blushed and followed the man to the dining room. Once she walked in she sat down and didn't look at Joker. The table was long with eight seats on each side then two seats opposite each other at the ends. That's where Joker and (Y/N) sat.

Joker cleared his throat, "Harley won't make it, she's been taken to Arkham." (Y/N) just nodded but didn't look at him, he understood why she was acting like this but he didn't like her attitude.

People flooded the room and placed food down on the table, then they left. Joker started eating, enjoying his big meal whilst (Y/N) placed as little as she possibly could onto her plate. She wanted to eat to not feel hungry but she didn't want to eat too much. The fact that he killed her sister: killed her appetite.

As (Y/N) was bringing her fork up to her mouth, Joker slammed his fists down onto the table making her drop the fork and flinch.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" He growls as he stands up forcefully which causes the chair to fall down.

"N-No I was just eating.." She shakes her head and watches him.

He chuckles, "Now you think that you're funny, is that right, doll face?" (Y/N) shook her head slowly and looked down, "I'm going to a bar, if you're gone by the time I come back I promise I will kill you." He stands up and turns away, his back facing her.

"Could you even aim at me if I was running away?" She spoke and stared at him, regretting it as soon as she said it.

Jokers insane laugh was heard as he took out a knife from his pocket then threw it above her head, still facing away. He looked at her as the knife landed in the dartboard, right in the middle, "Bullseye."

(Y/N) flinched and stood up, turning away from him, shouting "How dare you? You insane psycho!" Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth.

He laughed again, his laugh was scaring her. He threw another one but this time it skimmed her cheek, cutting it, "I own you, doll face. Don't speak to me that way." He then walked away with his hands in his pockets.

(Y/N) watched him until he was out of the room. She looked behind her and at the dartboard, seeing both of the knives in the middle of it, bullseye. She shivered and looked down.

"Come with me, I'll help you with your cheek," A soft voice spoke, she turned to look at him and saw the same henchman from before, "My name is Ashton." He smiled.

"I-I'm (Y/N)." She smiled as he took her to her room and into her bathroom.

"I know." He sat her down on the closed toilet seat and took out medical supplies. Ashton started disinfecting the cut.

"Ahh.." (Y/N) winced a little and frowned, knowing that she's been hurt more. He soon finished and then put a bandage on it, "Thank you, Ashton."

"It's alright," Ashton helped you stand up, "You shouldn't be here anyway. You don't deserve this."

She smiled faintly and looked down, "C-Could you keep me company? Just for a little bit?" Ashton nodded and took her to her bed where they sat down and started talking about everything that has happened to them.

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