Chapter Sixteen - Chasing Unicorns

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The day looked very promising. The sun was out, the air was warm and it was the first day of the weekend. Jahrra lay in bed wondering what she would do this fine spring day. She yawned one last time and stretched herself out of bed, smiling gleefully at the thought of having the entire day free to do whatever she pleased. A chorus of birds camped out in her garden only added delightful charm to the mood of the morning.

Jahrra stood and moved to the window of her small room, looking out across the field to the stables. Huh, she thought with a grin, I swear he can read my mind.

Phrym had stuck his head out of his stable and was looking across the grounds right back at her, his face a tiny gray splash of color no bigger than her fingernail. He tossed his head a few times and let out a good natured whinny, weakened by the distance between them, but enthusiastic all the same. You're right Phrym, Jahrra thought dreamily, a ride sounds just fine.

Things hadn't changed much since winter. The days had gradually grown warmer and longer, and school had started up again, but life still went along as it always did. The landscape had gradually turned from brown and grey to green and gold, and although it was still a few months off, Jahrra was already counting down the days to summer.

The schoolyard, not surprisingly, was still the last place she wanted to be. Eydeth and Ellysian were just as horrible as usual, but Eydeth seemed to have taken more of a role in terrorizing Jahrra. Before the mishap in Kiniahn Kroi, he usually just stood back and let his sister do all of the talking and sneering. But ever since the Solstice, Eydeth had been more willing to be the frontrunner in Jahrra's torment.

The increasing support from some of her classmates made it easier, but this only aggravated the twins more than ever. Granted, Jahrra's classmates weren't exactly walking over and befriending her, but they seemed to react less to the twins' remarks and often shot them small looks of disgust.

In fact, the siblings who'd run for help at the party in Kiniahn Kroi were the only ones who'd purposely approached Jahrra, Gieaun and Scede with offers of friendship. They introduced themselves as Pahrdh and Rhudedth one day after school and from that point on, they became good friends. Perhaps things were looking up after all.

Jahrra sighed and returned her thoughts to the present. I won't think about school, I'm going to do something fun today, she told herself.

She quickly dressed and headed toward the main room of the Castle Guard Ruin. Hroombra was already there, studying his books and manuscripts as usual. He peeked up over his reading glasses and smiled tiredly.

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