Chapter Thirty One

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Alright sorry for the waiting (which wasn't that bad if you compare me to others ya know? You guys really shouldn't be complaining ;P)

So I hope you enjoy that one.

Oh and ya... man you guys have been making a lot of theories lately! haha for your information some of you guys got things right, no one's got everything right though.. and few of you got things wrong and well some theories were just funny ;P

Oh and the girlfriend. Mouhahaha! The mysterious girlfriend! Actually you know what? She's not all that mysterious, well you don't KNOW her but her name slipped across somewhere in the past uploads. I'm surprised no one noticed it..

Well you'll hear more about her later on. I'm trying to get to the good stuff soon, but I mean I think it's important to have Lexi and Blake build a more trusting relation type of thing ya know? Plus we have a few "events" that need to happen to clear things out. If that makes sense?

Oh well.

So anyway, read, enjoy, vote and COMMENT! :D

(Oh ya it's probably full of mistakes, I'll double check tomorrow.)

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Recap :

"You know, that day in the seminar, the reason why I left is because..."

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"Wow! You sure you want to finish that sentence Stacey?" Blake cut her.

I was about to raise my hand and answer that I personally wanted her to, but just with the way Blake was glaring at her, I repressed myself.

"I think I'd like to share it with her!"

"What? Yesterday wasn't enough? Want me to enlighten you again on the many reason why that wouldn't be the smartest idea of the century? Or maybe you really do want me to tell everyone about Pick-His-Nose-Dany?" Blake said hastily, his voice threatening.


I looked at both of them confused, and saw the obvious panic in Stacey eyes.

Okay, seriously what the hell? I wanted to know what had happened in that seminar and I wanted to know now!

But then something occurred to me. Do I really want to know what Blake did with Stacey in a seminar? Just the thought of her with him made me want to barf my breakfast!

Well just the thought of Stacey pretty much had that effect on me but still.

Maybe I didn't want to know what Blake had done that had made Stacey storm out crying.

God. What could have Blake done?

That actually scared me for a second. The possibilities were endless.

And surprisingly so, it made me almost angry when I thought about Stacey and Blake together in a seminar.

Like really angry. Which was stupid, cause I mean Stacey and Blake could do whatever they wanted right? Truthfully, I'm sure that if it hadn't been Stacey I wouldn't have minded, I don't know, Blake just shouldn't be with such a skank.

Wow, I actually thought that?

"You know you really shouldn't waste your time on him, and he's not even that hot!" Stacey said to me, smirking a little at Blake when she did.

"Thanks! Again coming from you I'll take that as a compliment" Blake scowled beside me before I could answer anything.

"Well, don't think you'll get in my pants again, you stupid jerk!" Stacey almost yelled to him

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