Chapter Twenty Three

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Walking cautiously on the marbled floor, Sisi stepped into the guest room that doubled as Chief's torture room, a guard trailing behind her. Her stomach churned, as if protesting her decision to return to Chief.

As she entered the room, she caught a glimpse of blood and her gaze immediately went to the still form laying lifeless on the marbled floor. She gasped, knowing fully well who it was.

“Abigail!” She rushed to Aby and touched her head. “Aby” Tears filled her eyes. “I'm so sorry” She whispered.

“Sisi! You are so stubborn!” Abigail, though weak, was scolding her once more. She couldn't help but smile.

“Sisi!” She heard Chief's voice call but she ignored him, focusing instead on Aby. She tore a piece of her shirt and began to wipe Aby's blood stained face. “Sisi!” Chief grabbed her hair. She saw red. The monster that ruined her life! She spun around with such speed, her palm outstretched, came crashing down on his face.

“Monster!” She plunged forward and clawed at his face with vengeance. He fell to the ground, yelling.

The guards came running. They grabbed her waist and tried to pull her off of him but she held on, digging her fingers into his face. By the time they succeeded in pulling her off him, part of his skin was lodged in her nails and his face was dripping blood.

“I will kill you! I swear to you, I'll kill you! I'll make you pay for all you have done. I'll kill you and no one will be able to save you” She yelled.

Chief rose up from the floor and made his way to her, eyes red. He swung a blow at her and she tasted blood. She laughed.

“Without these puppets that guard you day and night, you are nothing. But I promise you, Ade, I swear upon the life of all those children you killed, I will kill you, with or without these men. Your greatest mistake was bringing me back to this house. For in doing so, you signed your own death” She said, meaning every word that proceeded out of her mouth.


For the first time in his life, Chief Ade was genuinely frightened. He had taken Sisi as a child to ensure that she obey him, that she fear him but here she was before him, fear replaced by anger and he knew, more than anything, that anger was a dangerous weapon.

“Sisi” He reached for her but she shoved his hand away. “I'm not your enemy” Of all the people in the world, Sisi had no reason to think he would try to kill her. On the contrary, he loved her. She was all he cared about. She was his Sisi, his own. He paid for her. He kept her and took care of her. He might have hit her a few times but it was only done to keep her in check. He couldn't have her thinking she could betray him by cheating on him or she could destroy his life like his mother did to his father.

He reached up with a handkerchief and wiped his face. To think Sisi had done this to him, to think she had inflicted wounds on him; had clawed at his face like a savage animal. He was angry. How could she! Hadn't he been good to her? Hadn't he paid her every time he slept with her? Didn't he cloth and house her? And whenever he abused her, didn't he take her to the hospital for treatment? What else did this ungrateful woman want from him?! He should kill her as well as this Abigail who started the whole mess by taking her away from him. He should kill them both. They were both women who didn't know their place in this world and who had to leave.

He took his gun and pointed it at Abigail.

“You are a coward” Sisi said, anger in her eyes. “You feel so powerless, you need to kill innocent people to feel power. Particularly women. Why is that, Ade. What did a woman do to you, what did your mother do to you!” She yelled.

“Shut up!” He roared.

“Did she leave you? Did she abandon you or did she tell you the truth, constantly, that you are worth absolutely nothing!” She rose to her feet and matched his gaze. “One day, Ade, you will die but before then, you will be laid bare before the world and they will all see what you truly are; a coward! A man too afraid to walk on the streets of Lagos without at least five guards trailing him. Look around you Ade! You are your own prisoner. You can't go out at certain times of the day, you can't eat in certain places, you can't walk on the streets without a guard. Your world is a dark one and you needed a companion to share this darkness with you so you chose me” She swallowed. “A helpless ten year old, to submit to your every will. You thought you could keep me here forever but no more! No more!” She stamped her feet in protest.

His hands shook. He was not a coward. He was a rich, powerful man. He was worth millions in cash and real estate. He worked hard for his money. He was feared by many. He wasn't in darkness. Sisi was wrong! But why did ever word that proceeded out of her mouth seem to be striping him and exposing him for what he truly was; a coward.

Author's note:

I don't really do too well with these author notes cause well, I don't really know my readers. It would be nice to. Anyway please remember to vote. Thank you!

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