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It's been weeks since Eggsy left and still neither his mum nor I knew where he was. Eggsy left after a fight with his stepfather and has since been missing. Michelle insists her son would never just pack up and leave but I'm starting to doubt that, if I could, I'd runaway too, but I'm too scared that my father will find me no matter where I go.

I needed Eggsy now more than ever though. My father is abusive, has been since my mother was killed along with Eggsy's father, for some reason he blamed me, so he started to beat me. His beatings have gotten worse and usually Eggsy would be here to step in and help me before it got too bad, but he's gone, so I have no one to protect me.

I managed to pull myself out of bed and trudge to the bathroom, I'd gotten a bad beating last night and was extremely sore, every muscle in my body hurt and I just wanted to curl up on the floor and cry. I couldn't do that though, he couldn't see that he's won. I washed away the dried blood that was on my face and washed my strawberry blonde hair in the bathroom sink and dried it so that it hung down my back in it's usual wavy fashion. I tried not to look at my reflection too much, my eyes were bloodshot, I had a huge hand shaped bruise on my face, and I just looked disgusting, as always, though Eggsy insists I always look pretty. Yeah right.

I head back to my room and change into on old pair of jeans, a baggy dark gray long sleeve shirt, and my old black converse. I made sure to slip my mum's gold locket around my neck, inside was a picture of her and I on the right and on the left the numbers 12, 19, and 97 were engraved into it. My mother told me to call the number in case anything went wrong, and to say "Oxfords not brogues", whatever that meant. My mum gave me the necklace before she left and never came back, I've worn it every day since.

Once I was dressed I went out into the living room. My dad was passed out on the couch, surrounded by beer bottles, a half empty one in his hand. I grabbed my key and my phone and quietly slipped out of the flat, heading down the street. It was a cool and cloudy morning in London but I didn't mind, I'd always liked it cloudy. The clouds reminded me of my mum who loved the rain, we used to go outside and play in it, her, my father, and me. We were the perfect little family, my father was great, I was a total daddy's girl. That all changed when my mother was killed in a mission that's since been classified, I still don't know who she worked for and exactly how she died, all I was told was that she was killed in action while saving her comrades.

I made my way down the street and stopped at a small coffee shop for a cup of coffee before heading to the park a few blocks away from my flat. Once at the park I sat on a bench beside a lake, looking out at the water watching as ducks swam by, looking for food. My stomach growled, I hadn't eaten a real meal in weeks, I've managed to snack on leftover food I found in the fridge but that was never enough. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a crumpled 5 pound note, I threw away my empty coffee cup and walked down the street towards the local McDonald's. I bought a small fries and a cheeseburger and ate it outside on the curb.

After my meal I headed back home, taking the long way, I wasn't in any hurry to see my father. Something inside me hoped that when I got there Eggsy would be back, but I'd given up any real hope of that happening 2 weeks ago. Once back at the flat I quietly headed inside but internally groaned when I saw my father was awake. "Where the fuck have you been bitch?!" he asked angrily, getting up from the couch and throwing down his beer bottle, the glass smashed and beer started to leak into the carpet. "I-I just took a walk" I said, backing away slightly so that if he came near me I could run to my room. "Sure you did, you were probably fucking some prick for money" my dad slurred as he made an advance towards me, ready to grab me.

I turned and sprinted towards my room and quickly headed in, but before I could get the door closed my dad started pushing his way in. "Let me in you whore!" my dad yelled, tears started to stream down my face as I started to panic, using all my strength to push on the door. I suddenly remembered my locket and what my mother had told me, I pulled my phone from the pocket and dialed the number I'd memorized years ago.

"Hello" came a female voice, "what is your complaint today?". "Please you have to help me he's going to kill me!" I said frantically into the phone as my father's weight on the door was starting to get too much to bear. "Sorry, you must have to wrong number" the woman's voice said. I started to panic until it hit me, "No wait please, Oxfords not brogues!" I screamed as my father finally pushed into my room. "Your complaint has been taken, we hope we have not lost you as a customer" the woman's voice said before she hung up.

"Who was that?! Who were you calling?!" my dad asked, grabbing my hair and throwing my down onto the floor, kicking me in the ribs. "No one!" I choked out as he grabbed my hair again and slammed my head into the wall, "Tell me whore!" my father screamed as he started to repeatedly slam my head into the wall, my vision was going fuzzy and my head was pounding, I thought this was it, this was how I was going to die, I was never going to see Eggsy again, but maybe at least I'd see my mum.

Suddenly my dad was ripped away from me and I fell to the floor, I turned my head to see a man dressed in a fancy suit, probably in his early 50s, beating the shit out of my father. The last thing I remembered was a familiar voice calling my name.

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