Chapter 12

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Natalia POV

Once I walked into the lobby my phone beeped. I pulled out my purse and held the device in my hand and saw that I got an email.

"Leave the notes that you took in the meeting on my desk. Then you're dismissed."

It was kind of odd that he was dismissing me early. I usually get off work late. It was only 3:00 o'clock.

I wasn't quite sure, if it was a mistake or not. But I was just going to do what he said anyway. Now to think of it, it was probably a good idea for me to go home early. Just so we can get some space between us even if it was just for a few hours.

So, I went to the elevator going to the 15th floor. As soon as the doors opened. I saw Traceys face all up in my space.

It kind of took me by surprise. I backed up a little so I could see her more clearly.

Once I could see her features coming into focus. I saw that her face was written with concern. Before I could ask her what was wrong, she started talking.

"Are you okay Natalia?" She asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked a little confused.

"Well Mr. Beacon came in really mad, and he stormed straight into his office. I was just wondering if something happened between you two because you were with him last?"


"Yeah, so I was just wondering if you were alright?" She said.

"Yeah, I am thanks for asking Tracey." I smiled.

"Yeah, anytime. I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah, well I got to go drop off these notes to Mr. Beacon."

"Oh, sorry don't let me hold you up." She said going back to her desk.

I walked towards the hallway where our offices were located. While I was walking a thought occurred to me.

 Our offices are really close to each other and on top of that they were both isolated from everything else on the floor

I can see why though. Mr. Beacon was a man that didn't want to be bothered ever...

I walked to his office doors. I opened them without knocking, because usually he's not in his office when I drop stuff off.

However, he was there this time. He was deep in his work it seemed but he looked up when he heard the door opened

"Sorry, Sir I'll just come back lat-"

"Come." He said, cutting me off.

I walked in and gave my notes to him that I took earlier. He took them out of my hands looking them over.

He finally put them down and pushed them aside on his desk

"Sir, I got your email, but I was wondering are you sure that there isn't anything else I can do for you before I go. I-"

He interrupted me for the second time.

"No like I said youre dismiss." He said sighing in frustration.

I didn't want to argue with him again. So, I just nodded my head and turned around walking towards the door.

But I felt like I needed to say something after our heated argument earlier today.

Turning around and facing him again, I tried to come up with anything to say, but nothing came out.

My thoughts and failing words that never came to my lips were caught off guard by Mr. Beacon slamming down his pen.

I looked up and saw his jaw flexing under his skin. His face was scrunched up in a frown.

He put his hands together laying them on the desk. Looking up at me in the eyes.

"Is there anything else you need Miss. Wake? If not, I will like to get back to my work in peace and alone." He said firmly.

And that was my que to go for the sake of both of us. I blew out a breath of air and looked at him and smiled.

"No, not at all goodnight Sir."

I closed the door not even waiting for a response from him. There probably wasnt going to be one anyway worth listening to. It was probably another roll of the eye or another rude comment.

I walked out into the workspace saying good bye to Tracey, and headed home.

As I was walking upstairs to my apartment. I couldn't help but think about Mr. Beacon. I must find a way to not have an attitude, be rude, or snap at him. I know that he does it to me without even thinking about it.

But just because he does it, doesnt mean that I must follow his childish games.

Even thinking about it seems impossible to do, but I'm going to have to try.

It's hard though, to not say something when someone is treating you like crap. I mean it's an instinct to defend myself I guess...

I'm just going to have to 'kill him with kindness.'

I opened the door expecting to see Jane and Miya. However, there was no one in sight.

"Hello! Jane? Miya?" I yelled through the apartment, but there was no answer.

Mhmm... They probably went somewhere. Probably getting Ice Cream or something. I thought to myself.

That's one thing that I liked about Jane being my babysitter. She always took Miya places when I was at work.

I appreciate her even more for that. I decided to just wait for them, I mean its not like I had anything else to do.

While I was waiting, I felt like taking a warm bath. My feet were hurting me, and my back was aching.

Especially walking in those heels today. I went to the bathroom and ran warm water in the bathtub.

After it was filled up I turned off the water and stripped off my clothes. I dipped my toe in the water checking the temperature.

Once I was satisfied with the water. I stepped in carefully, finally sitting down.

I sighed in relief feeling my muscles relax beneath the clear liquid.

I felt like all my stress from today had been lifted off me. I rarely never relax.

I mean I'm always on the go rather it's my job, Miya, or something around the apartment.

Don't get me wrong Miya was my pride and joy. I don't regret nothing when it comes to her. I also dont want it to seem like Im complaining about working, or taking care of my kid because thats not where Im coming from at all.

I just wish I wouldve been more careful when it came to her dad.

But I was a fool in love, and I was blinded by his charm.

It just sucks that you have to wait until the bad side of people are exposed, to find that everything that you shared with that person for years was wrong all along. The only thing I'm grateful for in the relationship with her father Julian, is Miya.

I'm glad that I got her out of him.

After a while the water got cold.  So, I washed and rinsed my body one more time before I stepped out.

I wrapped a towel around my body while walking into my bedroom. I pulled out underwear and a bra to wear to bed from my dresser.

I then picked out a night T-shirt, and sweatpants for pajamas. As I finished putting on my clothes.

I heard the door unlock.

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